Isolation In 'Through Black Spruce'

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The novel “Through Black Spruce”, written by Joseph Boyden, details life of Native Culture and the corruption within its society. Will Bird and his niece Annie Bird alter narrations every chapter telling their individual stories of their struggles to remain pure in Native culture. Both characters experience a detachment from their roots and must learn to rely on each other for the livelihood of their culture. All characters in the novel show negative effects of being impacted by the white culture, seen through the use of drugs and alcohol leading to isolation from the community. Through detailed analysis of both Will and Annie’s narrative, their connections to their Native roots seem to be vanishing and the need to integrate the traditional …show more content…

He constantly tries to defy the laws of nature. Will is not scared of anything and believes he is the greatest pilot and nothing could ever happen to him. He lacks a respect for the natural world. Will exclaims, “You know I was a bush pilot. The best. But the best have to crash. And I’ve crashed a plane, me. Three times. I need to explain this all to you. I was a young man when I crashed the first time. The world was wide open. I was scared of nothing” (Boyden, 1). Will also has complication with his inner violence. He tries to kill Marius out of fear and anger, which goes against his Native morals. Their families have hated each other for years and out of revenge he commits such an act he justifies by the violence Marius inflicts on his family. Will explains, “This wasn’t the best plan go do what I did to Marius. An act of revenge, an act of anger, and especially of fear. The cold fire of payback was the warmest that drove me to do it” (Boyden, 211). Fortunately, it is when Will runs away from Moosonee where he discovers that nature will get the better of him. During the time on the island, he becomes humble as he realizes he needs the help of others to survive. This contrasts his pride and allows Will to reconnect with the Native world once again. Evidence of this is when Will kills a moose and thanks the animal for its meat stating “meegwetch,” which can be translated to “thank you.” Animals in the Native world are highly respected and they play a significant role in the novel as they are reflected through human characters. The moose represents Will’s family and his dependency on them to survive. Will states, “Meegwetch for your life, I whispered. I am sorry for the bad kill. I was scared you’d run off and die alone far in the bush. Your death alone would be useless, and I, too, might end up starving this winter without you. Meegwatch” (Boyden, 306). Will is able to overcome his challenges of

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