Islam's Appeal

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Islam's Appeal

Islam revolutionized the way people thought in the Middle-East. The Prophet spewed forth “The Word of God” (Cleveland 8) amid reflection, whether his own or that of God, concerning “the problems which afflicted Meccan society” (8). The subsequent production of the Quran fostered discipline and promoted spiritual growth. Mohammad, under the banner of Islam, united nomadic, feuding tribes in the barren plains of Arabia. The Seal of Prophets brought new rights to women and renewed a commitment to aid the destitute.

All Muhammad’s revelations brought welcome change. One thousand years later, the message has not changed in any significant respect. One-time innovation was Islam’s blessing- but is now its curse. In my opinion, steadfast refusal of the ulama reduces the overall appeal of Islam.

Sometime in the tenth century, the ulama shut the door on modernization by halting the modification of the shari’ah. Beforehand, the academic community was able to make additions to Islamic law through consensus, or ijma (30). Some three hundred years after the foundation of t...

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