Islam, Judaism and Christianity Coexist Essay

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Many conflicts have arisen over the years about the topic of religions. Some of these disputes have come because of the conflicts between the Muslim, Christian and Jewish peoples. Since these religions are based on the God of Abraham, are monotheistic, and all believe God created the universe, many disagreements and fights have come from the idea that one religion is more superior than the others. So the question has come: Can the Muslim, Christian and Jewish peoples peacefully coexist together in a diverse society? Although the Islam, Judaism, and Christian religions are all Abrahamic based and very similar, they cannot really coexist together in a diverse society because of their ideas of praying, lifestyle beliefs and saviors/holy books.

They have different lifestyle beliefs such as beliefs of praying, eating, and social limitations which restrict the fact that they can purely, peacefully coexist together in a diverse society. All of these religions have different beliefs of when and where they worship, such as Muslim people pray five times a day and their holy place is a Mosque. Christian people pray on Sundays at Church and the Jewish people pray Friday night to Saturday night and their holy building is a Synagogue. These religions have different ideas about when and where they pray that make them very different. Because these beliefs of when and where to pray are so different, it makes it very hard to think that these people will be able to totally respect and understand other religions without the need to be defensive or offensive to their own and other people’s religions. And therefore, the beliefs of praying make it so that these religions are separated even more so because of their praying habits ...

... middle of paper ... that they are even more divided because their holy books are very different. Consequently, because of these differences in the holy books, it is even less likely or not possible for these people to really coexist at this point in time. Even though these religions are very similar, the different saviors and holy books that they worship make it so that it is not possible for one to believe that they can really coexist in a diverse society.

Though these religions are very similar, they cannot coexist peacefully together in a diverse society. They cannot coexist because of the differences in their beliefs about praying, lifestyles, and saviors/holy books of which they so strongly believe in. The Christian, Muslim, and Jewish people cannot peacefully coexist because they have such strong and different beliefs about their own and other religions Abrahamic religions.

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