Is Hamlet A True Hero Essay

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Hamlet: The Unforeseen Hero
Atticus Finch, from To Kill A Mockingbird, once said, “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting this idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” History has seen many true heroes --both real and fictional-- such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, and Atticus Finch. True heroes appear to have three common attributes: being meticulous, courageous, and having a desire to rectify a society. Among these heroes is Prince Hamlet. While some people may state that Hamlet is a coward because he isn’t rash, he sits in self-pity, and he has murderous tendencies, he is, in fact, a hero due to being meticulous, courageous, and his desire to rectify Denmark. Being meticulous is a heroic characteristic that is greatly displayed in Hamlet’s character. Hamlet is …show more content…

Hamlet possesses many qualities of a true hero such as being extremely careful, having courage in the darkest times, and having the goal to restore his kingdom. Being likeable and kind doesn’t always make a hero; certain attributes discovered over time do. A world without heroes is a world without a future; it’s a world without creativity, discovery, and hope. Had the world not seen the American rebels, The United States would still be a colony owned by the English. Had the world not seen the creator of Sputnik, the first satellite to be launched into space, the hope and creativity to one day be in space may be severely delayed or gone completely. If heroic women wouldn’t have come together to create Women’s Rights, women would still be sitting at home with no means to support themselves without their husbands. Heroes stand up and inspire the world. Without them, the world is a much darker place lacking ambition and hope. Heroes are the creators of

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