Is Falsifying A Hypothesis

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Falsification is the process of proving scientific information to be false, especially in the case of refuting a hypothesis. In research and statistics, the concept of falsification is important because theories are widely used, adopted and passed on for future generations to utilize. By not falsifying data there is a chance for misinformation to be spread. Falsifying data separates scientific data from unscientific data.
Inferential statistics is a type of statistics in which the data that is recorded about a specific population is used to make inferences about that entire population. When testing the hypothesis of inferential statistics it is important that the hypothesis be falsifiable. Proving a hypothesis in inferential statistics to be false is important because the data is used in order to make predictions about an entire population of individuals. Using unfalsifiable data in inferential statistics is bad science due to the fact that over time it loses its validity and reliability as the population grows and changes. The concept of falsifying a hypothesis proves that a population does not fall into the categorical constraints stressed by the experiment and will likely not follow the predicted result either. Falsifying a hypothesis …show more content…

A limit of asserting proof in inferential statistics is the data itself. Over time, since inferential statistics makes predictions about populations the validity and reliability of the data can degrade. This is a limit because researchers cannot be sure of the population construction in the future or how the data will be affected. Another limit of falsification is the repeatability of the data. Science is designed around the ability to research, find, and predict repeatable events, hence the use of hypotheses. Falsification is limited by repeatability because the data set could be irreversibly affected by attrition, death, or immigration within the

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