Is Attending College Really Worth It?

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There is a huge discussion about whether or not attending college is actually worth it, especially these days when financial situations are stickier and there are other things to do besides school. People might not be able to afford the price, or get financial aid. Those who do go might not get much return. In this society, school beyond high school can even be controversial. There is also limited time for different people, and they end up choosing between two things. With so many contributing factors, and so many things that could go right or wrong, what is the value of college? Is it even worth it? Money doesn't grow on trees, any college student can tell you that. Several students rely on financial aid and double jobs to get through school. Over the years, the …show more content…

Society urges young high school graduates to attend, or else they get a slap on the wrist and a bad look here or there. Often, we are told the only way to get a stable job is to have a degree of some kind. Lots of parents will push their children to do their best in school so that they will be able to get a higher education, and o those children, a college education might definitely be worth it after all of the hard work and dedication they have put into school. However, some people also believe that you don't have to have school for everything, that there is more to it. If you go to college and all your time and attention is dedicated to one thing, when will you be able to learn useful life skills? People don't always care to learn how to work on things like their house or car, and end up paying loads of money to have others do it. Going into college and learning material isn't the same as actually learning to do useful things that will help you everyday. That might all depend on how you were raised, and what kind of society you grew up in. Are you pushed towards education? Are there other things you find more

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