Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Irony is a form of literary device, thought, or paradox that we experience in day to day life. Irony is experienced all the time and more than we can notice it. There is irony in almost everything a human does. Irony can be humorous, suspenseful, sad, and even relieving. Irony can make us feel in many different ways. Many movies, shows, books, and other entertainment use the 3 forms of irony, dramatic, situational, and verbal.

Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something the character doesn’t. One example of this is in the story, “the cask of Amontillado”, when we know Montrosor is going to kill Fortunado, but he doesn’t. We know that Montrosor is going to try and take revenge on Fortunado but he doesn’t, Montrosor lays out his plan in front of the readers, but Fortunado doesn’t know this, and is lead straight into a trap. In the movie Bourne Legacy, The “family”, who are really spies, are shown throughout the movie showing that they aren’t actually a normal family, and are making a car bomb, Jason eventually figures this out and must defuse a bomb. This is Dramatic Irony because we know that they are spies, but Jason doesn’t, and finds this out. …show more content…

In The Necklace Mathildes’ husband spend all this time working of enough money to pay for a replacement, and when Mathilde tells her friend later she says the necklace was fake. When someone involved in a sport makes all of their attempts accept the winning point. This example is ironic because they made all or most of all of their other shots and when they need to make it the most, when you expect them too, they miss. In the example from The Necklace, that example is ironic because, they, and you, probably expected the necklace to not be fake. There is another type of irony, this irony is called verbal

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