A computer system consists of hardware and software. Hardware is the slang word for the physical components?keyboards, mice, circuit boards, monitors and cables. Hardware needs some maintenance, such as appropriate, safe cleaning, and must be protected from dust and heat. Dust buildup can even cause overheating. Some maintenance, especially moving computers, is best done while the equipment is off. Keep track of your hardware instruction manuals. Use a notebook to keep track of your equipment?serial numbers, dates of purchase, and problem logs. Don?t mix in your personal, social information with this technical tool. Be careful with the routing and attachment of cables. Bringing food, drink, and magnets around computers invites trouble. Software is the instructions that tell the computer what to do. The Operating System is needed to make the computer start and run. Windows is the Operating System (software) that runs most PCs. The Operating System (OS) is sometimes called Systems software for short. The Operating System provides the needed layer of interface between the computer hardware and the application software. A portion of the OS is called utility programs because they handle useful, specialized tasks such as formatting and copying disks. Virus checks should be periodically performed on your software. Backups are a good way to avoid lost data when bad things happen. Application software refers to the specific programs that you use to accomplish tasks, such as Microsoft Office or games like Freecell or Snood. Educational applications include Accelerated Math, Accelerated Reader, and on-line encyclopedias. Word-processing is an application for typing documents, such as letters or school reports. It offers many advantages... ... middle of paper ... ...em, you output data into storage and later use the stored data as input. Disk drives?hard, floppy, CD, and DVD?are the most common storage devices. They allow ?random? (direct) access to the data wanted. They are far superior to early sequential tape-drive storage. The storage method of both floppy disks (diskettes) and hard drives is magnetic. Magnets place and retrieve the data on the disks. Magnets also can erase data. Hard drives provide faster access to data than floppies, CDs and, of course, tape. Laser beams record and read both Compact Disks (CDs) and DVDs. The early computer CDs were CD-ROMs. They were read-only (couldn't be modified), having been imprinted by the manufacturer. Now you can buy CDs to burn at home, and CD-RW can be reused. The RW stands for rewritable. Flash memory is the new standard for quick portable storage and requires no moving parts.
12. DVDs are digital versatile disc, optical discs used to externally store data. DVDs have higher recording and retrieving speeds, are better suited for backing up information, and have higher capacity per device than
Softwares are instructions, commands, or data that direct the operation of computer systems. Hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices. Hardware such as electronic circuitry and other components of a computer use software or programs to make technology do things. Hardware is permanent and not flexible, while software or programming can easily be varied and modified. You can put an entirely new program in the hardware and make it create an entirely new experience for the user. People can change the modular configurations that most computers come with by adding new adapters or cards that extend the computer's capabilities.
Well, Before anything else, here is a few names of components that need to be known to not be completely lost. The CPU(Central Processing Unit) (It processes everything from basic instructions to complex functions.) (Techterms.com). The Hard drive (the location of all the computer’s folders, files, and information, saved magnetically so even if turned off it’ll all stay saved). The RAM (Random Access Memory) (The more RAM your computer has, the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM, which can effectively speed up your computer.)(Techterms.com), The OS (Operating System) (just what it sounds like, this is the system that works the computer, as in Windows, Linux, and Apple OS.) The Graphics card (helps the CPU by processing the graphics portion of what the CPU has to process). The Disk Drive( this is the CD,DVD, or Blu-Ray driver that is installed to use CD’s DVD’s and or Blu-Ray disks.) The last major term to know is the Motherboard ...
Software - the programs or language that controls the functioning of the hardware. Table of contents - a section on a CD that lists the locations of files to help a computer locate data.
Operating systems are complex structures of information, or data, that is stored in programs, files, folders, and much more. Operating systems consist of software, which are bunches of programs. An operating system is the software that stores data and information that a user inputs. The processing of input occurs through the user entering information through the keyboard, also called “keying in information.” This precise definition provides background information to the fact that operating systems are composed of a central idea. Operating systems are the key element that allows someone to use a computer. This idea sparked the creation of the first operating system in the 1960’s by the General Motors Research Laboratories.
A desktop computer consists of a computer system unit, a keyboard, a mouse, and a monitor. These are also input devices which are the devices used to input data in the computer or used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system. The computer system unit is the enclosure for all the other main interior components of a computer. The primary function of the computer system unit is to hold all the other components together and protect the sensitive electronic parts from the outside elements.
Examples will shows us like the digital recording mean like as the floppy disks and hard disk drives. Both are the digital recording and been carried out for likes the tapes.
The hardware is everything physical, everything you can touch, everything you can damage by pouring water on it. It consists of the peripheral devices, thing that plug into the computer, like mice, keyboards, joysticks, and web cams. Web cams are used to capture video that the computer can store, or send over the internet so you can speak face to face with your family even though they are thousands of miles away. Some web cams can be used to track your movements and represent them real time on your
The primary computer storage medium, before the introduction of magnetic storage, was punch cards. These were paper cards on which holes were punched to indicate binary data invented by Herman Hollerith in the late nineteenth century. In June 1949, a group of scientists and engineers in IBM began working on creating a new storage device that would soon revolutionize the industry. May 21, 1952 marked the transition from punched-card calculators to electronic computers as IBM introduced the IBM 726 Tape Unit [1]. It was used to store data in IBM’s first commercial scientific computer intended to help the US military to design aircrafts [2]. Four years later, IBM made the first computer disk storage system: the 305 RAMAC drive. Although this drive could only store 5MB of data, information could be stored directly to any location on the disk surface without having to read all the information in between which was the case in magnetic tapes. This ability to access random locations had a very important effect on computer performance and enabled data to be stored and retrieved much faster than tapes. The next 60 years saw a huge progress in the magnetic storage industry from a variety of hard disks to portable memory such as cassette tapes, floppy disks and zip drives. Today, one can store even 3TB data on tiny 3.5 inch drives. This was all possible due to electromagnetism and the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials such as the oxides of iron[ add the magnetism part]
An Operating system is system software that controls the system’s hardware that interacts with users and the application software. As we all may know, Windows Microsoft has always been a commercial high-level sale in the retail industry and an in domain operating system used today. But there are more operating systems than just Windows Microsoft than the general population may assume. Linux is another well-known operating systems, which is free and open-source software. Linux is also used in companies we would have never thought of like Google, NASA, USPS, Amazon and many more companies. Linux and Microsoft operating systems have been in competition to see which one is the best operating system in the market. There are so many resemblances
Computers are very complex and have many different uses. This makes for a very complex system of parts that work together to do what the user wants from the computer. The purpose of this paper is to explain a few main components of the computer. The components covered are going to be system units, Motherboards, Central Processing Units, and Memory. Many people are not familiar with these terms and their meaning. These components are commonly mistaken for one and other.
Since the time when man first learned to express how they felt in written form, by drawing or writing, we have tried to communicate with other people. First, it was the prehistoric man with their conceptual cave drawings showing what animals to hunt, how to hunt them, and how to cook them. Soon that form took to hieroglyphics, in which the Egyptians would tell stories about battles they had won and about new pharaohs that had been born. This picture form soon turned in to words in which the Romans would communicate with one another. So it went, each generation progressed more and more, until it was the 20th century.
RAM is used for memory caching, which means when the computer’s in operation, programs use this hardware for quick access and has memory saved temporarily for applications that’s deleted once the computer’s powered down. A CPU is what performs the large part of information processing in the computer, this tells what each part should be doing and it also proccesses requests; whether it be to turn on a cooling fan or to accept information to provide processing for words. It’s very important that the CPU is cooled well as it generates a lot of thermal energy. This heat is dissipated using a CPU cooler which often consists of a heatsink and fan. Newer technology is using liquid cooling and a radiator, which is a quiet solution to keep the CPU cool. The GPU is what processes graphics to create a display. Some graphics cards are powerful enough to provide viewing in multiple displays. A higher performance graphics card requires direct connection to the power supply as the motherboard can’t keep up with the power consumption of the card. Graphics cards can be combined to work together to process graphics. A cable linking
First, what is a computer? "While the term computer can apply to virtually any device that has a microprocessor in it, most people think of a computer as a device that receives input from the user through a mouse or keyboard, processes it in some fashion and displays the result on a screen" (What are the Different p. 1). Home computers are being used by children, teenagers, and adults. The PC or personal computer is designed to be used by one person. The term, Mac, is a PC, but most people link computers with Windows software such as Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. A PC is actually a desktop that is designed to be used in one set location. "Most desktops offer more power, storage, and versatility for less than their portable brethren" (What Are p. 3). Many desktop computers are used at home and at work. Various types of software have been designed to meet individual needs of the computer user. The use of home computers or PCs can be for various purposes such as education, work at home, personal communication through e-mail, to gain knowledge about different topics, to find recipes, and even to play games.
Choosing a career is very important in a person’s life. Over the past two decades, many professions have change significantly with the influx of technological developments. One needs to think about the things that interest them and what kind of lifestyle they want to have. Some things a person should think about are what qualifications are needed, what type of training is necessary, and the future need of the career they choose. Some other things to consider would be how much money they will make, what is the probability of advancement, and does the career satisfy their need for an enjoyable life.