Into The Wild Short Story

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The forest flashed past them in an indistinguishable blur as they galloped onwards once more. Raven's features were set in a grim expression of determination, a new drive to leave behind the eerie forest. If it wasn't ever so slight thinning of the trees, she could have sworn they were riding in a circles, endless, never ending circles.

Her hair flew out behind her as she leaned down low on Storm's back, the wind sweeping past. She tried not to look around her. The gnarled trees twisted and knotted into jagged, unnatural shapes. The thick covering of leaves above them. The flitting shadows in the undergrowth.

The trees gradually became more spaced out, more natural, solid as they bolted onwards. The sound of Brooke's sudden cry of joy …show more content…

The thought wouldn't leave Raven's head, constantly tugging at the corners of her mind. Why not the king's trained soldiers? Why a bunch of untrained teenagers? The words the guard had said echoed through her head, imprinted in her memory. 'You an' a couple of others have bin selected for yer skills.'

"I see something up ahead, ride carefully!" Samuel's voice broke into her thoughts and her head snapped up. She narrowed her eyes. The shapes jutting up from the horizon were too small to distinguish from this distance but they slowly grow bigger as they neared.

"Looks like a village..." She murmered.

"It must be the one we are supposed to stop at before continuing into the mainlands!" Jack exclaimed suddenly, "Last time we checked the map we were heading directly towards it, if we haven't strayed from our path this should be it."

"It-it... it's smoking..." Brooke said quietly, her voice quavering ever so slightly, "Villages in deserts don't use fires."

Raven stiffened as she too saw the smoke. Images of her dream crowded back into her mind, choking her thoughts. As they galloped closer, they all felt the wave of heat radiating from …show more content…

Her dull eyes watched Raven intently, laced with suspicion.

"I'm not here to harm you," Raven repeated, lowering her hand. "Me and my companions were sent on a quest to convince Time not to stop ticking, we were supposed to stop here to regather supplies before venturing into the mainlands..."

The small girl nodded slightly though her tear-stained face still brimmed with unease. Raven moved out of the doorway and the girl took a quivering step forwards.

The sun shone brightly upon her as she moved out of the dim hut, illuminating her fully. Her arms were covered in ash and her plaited hair was singed at the ends, her sullen face gazed downward, unblinking, to her bare feet.

She reluctantly took the hand Raven offered and allowed herself to be led to the gate of the only home she'd ever known. Her face was filled with longing as she stared back at the still smoking huts.

Raven held her small hand, watching sadly as the girl looked back yet again at her devastated home.


"Surely we can't take her with us though! It will be too dangerous!" Tessa

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