Interview With a Person of a Different Race

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The purpose of this assignment was to interview someone who is more than 30 years of age and who is of a different race than oneself. Research on the person being interviewed ethnic background had to be conduct, in addition to, materials covered in class and previous experiences were compiled into 7-10 open ended questions that were discussed during the interview. Below you would see the seven interview questions that were discussed, the answers given, and a biographical piece that bring everything together.

Interview Questions

Why do you think the term “Euro American” is not as commonly used a “White American” or “White”? White is easier, more homogenous, and more likely to support quick assessment. By saying Euro or European, you are conveying a sense of enormity that is too vast for quick contemplation. In our culture, speed and efficiency are far more important than accuracy.

Do you consider yourself to be privileged? If so, to what extent? Yes, but only as far as my race is concerned. My SES throughout my life has been low, and in my opinion, has effectively mitigated my white privilege on countless occasions. But there is no denying that being considered white has afforded me opportunities, accommodations, and entitlements that are out of reach for folks of other races and ethnicities.

As it relates to your country of origin, how do you express your sense of pride? That is difficult to answer. I used to be proud of my national heritage and that of my immigrant predecessors. However, as I get older it seems that my pride is more reliant upon things like my sense of accomplishment. George Carlin said it is silly to be proud of something that you have no control over, I agree with him.

In what forms have you experience discrimination? I have experienced racial discrimination in subtle and blatant forms. However, most of the discrimination I have experienced has been based on my SES, geographic region, or both. Additionally, most of the discrimination has come from other Caucasians.

How do you view opposing culture that is different from your own? I am mostly open minded and, in fact, greatly interested in other cultures on a personal and academic level. Something that I believe many Americans take for granted is our rich mixed cultural heritage and our proximity to some of the oldest cultures on the planet.

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