Why Did You Decide That You Wanted To Study The Classics

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Interviewer: Sarah Duncan
Professor Interviewed: Professor Robyn Le Blanc
What helped you decide that you wanted to study the Classics?
Professor Le Blanc claimed to have always wanted to do something like this due to how, as a child, a family member had a mythology book. From then on she fell in love with the subject and when she came to college and found out that there was an job in this field (Roman Archaeology) she was overjoyed and knew that she had found what she wanted to spend the rest of her life doing.
What do you consider the best thing about being a Roman Archaeologist?
There are two main things that the professor loves most. The first is that it allows her to teach. She absolutely loves teaching. While she does loves researching …show more content…

In her words, “it’s so much fun!!” She finds it all the more tangible and visceral to be there as new discoveries are made and loves it all. It’s “a blast!” for her.
What kind of strategies did you find useful in order to be sucessful in college?
“First and foremost, coffee; lots and lots of coffee.” This was the beginning and ending line she replied with for this question. From a different approach it was that she was very serious about what she wanted to do and set out clear goals for herself. She planned how to position herself in a manner as to take advantage of the most opportunities.
She also focused on taking courses that would help her later on in her career and not something that she’s never …show more content…

She is actually still in graduate school. It’s been nothing like she expected. It is the hardest things she’s ever done so far, a real change from what she was used to. However, it’s very exhilarating since it helps affirm that the career goal is possible. Yet, it’s very isolating. It’s hard knowing that so much of your life will be spent doing one thing while others are off getting married.
Are there any resources here at UNCG that you would recommend that could help me be successful this year?
TASP!!!! It’s perfectly find to get a tutor, it’s not something that means you’re a bad student.
Speaking and Writing Center is something she always suggests as it helps prepare for the required communications classes and life in general.
Witherspoon museum as it is a non-traditional space, however there is much that can be observed such as how the displays are put together, how pieces are paired, etc.
LIBRARY!!!! It is a real place, where real books can be your friend.
Does your department have any student clubs? Any internships?
Yes, there is the Classical Society which meets weekly and is made up of likeminded

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