Interpretation Of Sleeping Beauty

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“In a faraway land long ago...” Thus begins Disney's film version of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” automatically giving its viewers a sense of a seemingly historical past. Most, if not all, people raised within Western culture are familiar with the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale and the story about a young girl being cursed to prick her finger on a spindle only to be awakened again by a true love’s kiss. Imagine instead a different version of Sleeping Beauty... THERE were previously a king and a queen, who were both so upset that they had no children, and so upset that it could not be communicated. The queen had a daughter about 3 years ago with another man, in which he raped her. Although, they wanted a child amongst themselves. They went to all the waters in the world; vows, pilgrimages, all methods were tried. They then brought themselves a old church in a far away land called the United States. In which this church could bless the woman’s stomach with special blessed water. The water had the ability to work as a wishing water. As you blessed yourself with the water, then wished whatever you wish to be portrayed 9/10 times it will come true. So, the king and the queen decided as there last option to try it. The next morning, she went to that church and got the blessing done. The priest had helped her with the prayers that go along with it. The priest and the woman soon began to speak of the women's wish, “May the queen be blessed with a beautiful pregnancy and have a gorgeous princess baby!” The priest said. After she had finished the meeting at the church she went back to her husband. After about a two weeks, the king and queen still had no luck. The queen just couldn’t have a baby. At last, however, the Queen and King had a ... ... middle of paper ... ...r children, the clerk of the kitchen, his wife and maid. (Basically all of who she had given orders too in the past and who hadn’t served her with what she had wanted.) They were then brought out accordingly, and the servants were going to throw them into the tub. The young King (who was not so soon expected) entered the court on horseback and asked, with surprise, what was the meaning of that horrible tub thing doing on the courts was. No one dared to tell him. The Jew, all enraged to see what had happened, threw herself head first into the tub, and was instantly eaten up by the ugly creatures she had ordered to be thrown into it for others! The King could not but be very sorry, for she was his mother! After confused and sobbing to his family for hours he soon got over it, and the new king and queen and begun to start their new life as they had always wanted it.

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