Interpersonal Violence

1964 Words4 Pages

Throughout a life course, many individuals endure some kind of violence or commit certain acts of violence. Reports such as the Bureau of Justice Statistics, articles, and books have been created in order to show people the different forms of violence that are visible on a daily basis. Through these readings people are able to understand the nature of interpersonal violence including domestic, intimate, assault, robbery, murder, and sexual assault. This paper will show the characteristics of male/female offenders and victims, stranger violence and child abuse.

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), can be described as “"domestic violence," "intimate partner violence" describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former intimate partner or spouse. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples (National Institute of Justice, 2007). IPV has both male/female perpetrators and male/female victims. According to the National Institute of Justice (2007), “women are more likely to be victims of stalking and other victimizations than men” There are certain characteristics that allow women to become victims of victimization; early parenthood, severe poverty, and having an alcoholic partner. Black and Hispanic women who are young and live in the city carry a big chance of being victimized, as well as those women who lack an education and live in poverty. On the other hand Meadows (2010) also explains the characteristics of the male batterers. He explains that males become violent against their partner because of insecurity, fear of losing control, jealousy but especially their sole instinct of being in control (p.70).


Many times it is rare ...

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...ts, threats of sexual abuse (without contact), threat of maltreatment, terrorizing, giving un prescribed substances, or nonspecific abuse”(Sedlak et al., 2010,p.73). Emotional abuse is cognitive, emotional and even mental disorders. An example of


emotional abuse is insulting or labeling the child. Children become traumatized and insecure with this type of abuse.

Because of the use of numerous readings we were able to discuss and have a meaningful understanding of interpersonal violence including intimate partner violence, stranger violence and child abuse. This paper showed the differences in male/female offenders and victims and showed different crimes. These studies proved that things change throughout the years; such as who the offender and victim are, what makes them offenders of victims and the places and crimes committed.

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