International Homelessness Essay

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Around the world, some people do not even know what the word homelessness means, because they worry about their life way more than the people who suffer without one. People everywhere are struggling with understanding this situation. The meaning of the homelessness, conditions of what causes homelessness and international homelessness are some topics discussed globally today.
Being homelessness means that someone that cannot afford a home and lives out in the streets. In the 1980s, that was when homelessness started when incomes and housing options diminished rapidly for those that live on the margins. During the 1950s and 1960s, that is when most patients were released from mental hospitals. Throughout the years, homelessness …show more content…

Manila, the capital of the Philippines, holds 3.1 million homeless people in the city. That is the largest amount of homeless people in any city around the world. However, countries that are the least developed, failing, in conflict, or suffering from natural disasters, have higher levels of homelessness. Their rates are typically in the double digits. Even though in the wealthy developed nations, they have smaller rates of homelessness, but they still account in large amounts of homeless people. In the U.S., 500,000 people are homeless, and in Australia and France, 100,000 people are homeless. Among countries like Italy, Japan, and Spain, their homeless rates are less than a 10th of one percent. Even though Manila has more homeless people than New Zealand, 40,000, it does not have the highest rate. New Zealand has nearly a one percent homeless rate. In the world, two percent of the population is found to be homeless, that is no less than 150 million people. Out of 7.6 billion people that live in this world, more than 20 percent of the people lack adequate homes. In 2005, the United Nations had last attempted in a global survey and estimated 100 million people homeless around the world. The whole world faces problems with finding a home, but for some people there are many

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