Intergenerational Trauma In Canada

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Disconnection Disconnection can be defined as the state of being isolated or detached. In social studies, disconnection can directly refer to the hardships Aboriginal people experienced during the era of Residential schools as well as the Sixties Scoop. Due to the damaging effects of these events in Canada, Aboriginal people are constantly seeking reconciliation for these hardships: “Today’s Aboriginal people’s needs are many. Years of isolation, exclusion, and neglect of our rights have resulted in [their] displacement from [their] lands, the breakdown of [their] economy, the loss of [their] culture, the denial of [their] power to govern [themselves], and the deplorable poverty that is now an integral part of [their] identity within Canada” …show more content…

Even though progress is being made, intergenerational trauma needs to be considered as well as the effects of each generation’s quality of life being impacted: “The impact of negative childhood circumstances is compounded by the severity of unsafe and stressful environments.’The effects of traumatic events in childhood can be linked to mental illnesses, substance use, and other health problems in adulthood, as well as having negative impacts on education, job opportunities, and earning potential’” (Lebel). Due to the effects of the sixties scoop, removing Aboriginal children from their own parents and culture into abusive and damaging homes created a lasting impact on life for these victims. Furthermore, in Residential schools, children are being assimilated from such an early age, and the survivors are continuing to be impacted by the mental trauma relating to these incidents. These mental issues cause intergenerational trauma when poor households of the victims' children are being affected due to poor coping mechanisms. Considering all of this, the repetition of disconnection from society continues when trauma and the feeling of isolation causes one to confuse and lose their identity. Overall, the experiences Aboriginal children faced inevitably led to the disconnection of …show more content…

In my personal experience, disconnection can refer to a variety of aspects of my life. First off, I have experienced many disconnections from services in my life. This could include a loss of power, electricity, internet, or water. Depending on poor weather conditions, or going into a new environment where these services are not easily accessible, bring to light how much I take for granted. For example, when I go camping, I lose connections to plumbing, electricity, and most water. I have to sparingly use my portion of water because once it is gone, there is no more coming. By being mindful of my materials, I can feel more connected to nature. This disconnection can however be negative when I am in my own home and weather conditions disconnect me from heat or power. This can be scary at times, not knowing when I will have access to these services or if I will ever have access to them ever again. Furthermore, disconnection may also refer to a disconnecting of relationships. As an individual’s life progresses, we meet people who come and go throughout our lives. Sometimes, people are only in somebody's life for a short period of time, until we lose connection. This loss of connection can be due to the gradual drifting apart, or a single negative experience. Regardless, people come and go for specific reasons, even if I am not aware of why at that very moment. Finally, disconnection may also apply

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