Inquiry Base Learning Essay

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Confucius nicely sums it all by his quote “I hear I forget I see I remember, I do and I understand” (The Open University, 2017). Practice and experience by various well-known pedagogues and theorist such as Frobel, Dewey, Montessori and Piaget to name a few, firmly agreed that engaging children by instigating their curiosity through play, greatly motivate their learning (Pond, 2006). Thus, the inquiring base learning method of teaching where the children ask questions about what they want to learn, why they want to learn it and how they can acquire the information that will satisfy their understanding. Along the way, using the inquiry base learning approach children become critical and creative thinkers. Children also extend their learning …show more content…

Teaching young children in accordance to the Early Years Learning Framework requires educators to prepare children to develop a sense of belonging and in identity, they learn about themselves, their family and the community, past, present (Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations [DEEWR], (2009, p. 20). Through children’s learning experience of belonging to their world, children require guidance from educators who can enhance children’s learning through the inquiry base learning approach. DEEWR (2009, pp. 26-37) advice that it is essential for educators to provide opportunity through play or project with age appropriate resources for example artefacts, pictures and other stimuli that can encourage children to be able to plan, collaborate, negotiate, investigate ideas and in the process acquire skills in problem solving, inquiring and researching, therefore, giving the children the foundation to tackle Humanities and Social Science in their learning of history in years to

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