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The importance of creativity and innovation in an organization
Creativity in Organizations: Importance and.
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According to Steven (2010), ideas are a connection of networks. These networks are created in the most unconventional places such as coffee shops and conference rooms. Most good ideas happen when people congregate together and share their interests, their mistakes. A lot of important ideas take time to come to fruition. This is because resources may be limited, not enough interest is generated. This paper is discuss the different sources of innovation, the trends and forecasts that can affect the healthcare industry and the role that disruptive innovation plays in the healthcare industry.
Sources of Innovation
There is a perception that innovation occurs in the brain of one individual. The idea then matures into a concept that
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Employees are companies’ wealth of ideas when it comes to innovation. Several companies have recognized the importance of including innovation within their business model. In fact Google allows employees to spend about 20% of their time to create, design and innovate. Hoarty, Gurram & Laurence, E. (2013) recognize that employees play an integral role in innovation. This is because innovation goes beyond new product or service creation; it is the ‘generation, acceptance and implementation of new ideas, processes, products or services Hoarty, Gurram & Laurence, E. (2013).’ Therefore, companies must strive to introduce innovation as part of their culture.
Competitors. Davilla & Shelton (2013) state that, ‘competitors’ new products may be an indirect source’ for the company’s new product. For example, Microsoft started Windows but apple perfected the product by creating the Mac Book and installing a different operating system.
Customers. The company’s products and services are best to be scrutinized by the customers because they are the ones that have to use the service. They are in the best position to find defectives part of fault in the process. Bindroo, Mariadoss, Pillai (2012) state that customers have information regarding the products and services that used that can be advantageous to the company. This is free marketing information that can be used by in order to improve products, processes or services. These improvements are regarded as incremental innovation
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Pisano, P., Pironti, M. & Rieple, A. (2015) define trends as ‘…a combination of social, technological, psychological and economic features.’ Customers, employees and suppliers corporate in order to create or customize products or services that mirror the market change. These trends can be divided into 2 categories: socioeconomic trends and technological trends.
Socioeconomic trends. Socioeconomic trends include, but are not limited to crowdsourcing and sharing economy.
- Crowdsourcing involves collecting ideas from social events such as fundraising, gatherings, for the purpose of change or innovation. Pisano, P., Pironti, M. & Rieple, A. (2015) believe companies target unorganized settings for crowdsourcing. In the medical field, conferences are often held where new ideas, technologies and strategies and shared among colleagues. These conferences range from $200.00 to $2,000.00 depending on the complexity of the topic.
- Sharing economy is ability to share information, data and services around the world. This information sharing should be accessible by all. This information sharing increases companies visibility of their goods and services. This visibility increases the company’s value as well as
...resent diversity within the labor force and “each of them will also have networks of professional associates whose knowledge they can tap in order to solve problems and accomplish tasks. Needless-to-say, diverse people will have diverse networks and provide your company with a vast and diverse meta-network at your disposal” (p.1). In short, in supporting of creativity, innovators essentially need the backing from top leaders, and without that support, many initiatives may break down or die on the vine (Harvard). For any idea to be successful, it is vital that it is aligned with company strategy; there is more likely to occur naturally when top executives involve and take the lead with a idea or creativity initiative and this is a main reason why management commitment is a key factor in the accomplishment of any idea or innovation process (Baumgarther, 2010).
...e company’s competitiveness. Satisfied customers can help a business gain more customers through word of mouth. Ensuring excellent and consistent service and products will help the business perform better. Tim’s must embrace technology in its human resource management, bookkeeping, as well as its Marketing activities. This will improve efficiency, and reduce man hours considerably. Tim should consider investing more money into the business to allow him expand on product offering, which will help attract new customers.
Melanie Merrifield’s article “Health Technology” seeks to understand the kind of innovations technology has brought to healthcare and how they have helped the health field. Merrifield provides numerous examples of how the innovations being made in health technology have improved patient care. There are examples used, from both the military as well as civilian innovations in technology that is included with Merrifield’s article. The examples in the article include patients being able to leave in three days instead of three months because of minimal invasive surgery; this is one example of how the advances in health technology have helped patients (Merrifield, 2006)
Kelley,T. (2005, Oct.). The 10 faces of innovation. Fast Company, 74-77. Retrieved 6th March’ 2014 from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=9&sid=1d6a17b7-c5f7-4f00-bea4 db1d84cbef55%40sessionmgr10&hid=28&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bth&AN=18386009
The next driver of importance for world health is technology. The implementation of innovative medicine is a primary interest for the U.S., Japan, and Germany (Reid, 2008). Unlike these other countries, the United States has a greater commitment to technology than it does to health care expenditures (Barton, 2010). This regard has led to changes in clinical practices and the level of knowledge of consumers (Drivers of change). Patients gather information pertaining to disease or illnesses from reliable m...
Spurgeon, P., Burke, R. J., & Cooper, C. L. (2012). The innovation imperative in health care
Expansion in product line: diversifying its product line will open a new set of opportunities while at the same time it can differentiate itself from the competitors.
The increase in women leaving work. Also leading to the need for time. saving produce for home Technological factors involve changes as the public see it, this. creates opportunities for the new products and product improvements. and marketing techniques such as the Internet, e-commerce.
price, quality, convenience, and superior products or services); however, competition can also be based on new technology and innovation. A key role of competition in health care is the potential to provide a mechanism for reducing health care costs. Competition generally eliminates inefficiencies that would otherwise yield high production costs, which are ultimately transferred to patients via high health service and delivery costs” (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). “Competition in health care markets benefits consumers because it helps contain costs, improve quality, and encourage innovation” (https://www.ftc.gov). Competition compels companies to deliver increasing value to customers. The fundamental driver of this continuous quality improvement and cost reduction is innovation. Without incentives to sustain innovation in health care, short-term cost savings will soon be overwhelmed by the desire to widen access, the growing health needs of an aging population, and the unwillingness of Americans to settle for anything less than the best treatments available. The United States can achieve universal access and lower costs without sacrificing quality, but only by allowing competition to work at all levels of the health care system. Prices remain high even when there is excess capacity. Technologies remain expensive even when they are widely used. Hospitals and physicians remain in business even when they charge
As the innovation in the company constantly grows and the market is always expecting to have something new, it is becoming hard for the company to come up with new ideas. The company definitely needs new ideas and fresh minds. However, the constant innovation on the products of the company is cutting their ability to gain more profit out of the new products as it would bring the product from the “Star” level to a cash cow immediately. Therefore a company needs to low down presenting their innovat...
-Customers: The company felt the importance of being customer-centric and innovate by adapting to customer
The current dynamic healthcare environment is undergoing a tough competition due to various factors such as the cost, quality care, production, efficiency, and safety care. So, the healthcare system requires a significant change to implement strategic management in all its sectors. Additionally, it is important to formulate appropriate tools to execute these strategic plans effectively, and one such great tool is strategic alternatives. Since, one-size-fits all analogy cannot be applied to every single healthcare organization, so it is very important to closely evaluate the healthcare environment, and then select a suitable alternative strategy. In addition, it is unlikely that a single strategy will suffice for an organization so for the success
According to research conducted in 2015 called The Sharing Economy by the consulting group Pwc; while intangible assets can make up to 80% of a global corporation´s value, the organization´s collaboration is subjective in its application and measure. Therefore, tangible asset sharing is the most practical model to apply to a mature organization, and most commonly the first collaborative step to be taken by organizations. This type of collaboration is also largely relevant to organizations, as it was reported by Pwc that manufacturing facilities operate at 20% below capacity, a quarter of all trucks traveling in the USA are empty, and half of all desks in the average office are unused. For example, the company Seventh Generation uses the sharing economy through the tangible asset-sharing model . The company does not own any of the equipment or facilities they need for production; instead, they share it with the aim of “efficiently utilizing excess capacity” . They contract manufactures with partner companies who are often their competitors. The main influence for the implementation of this collaboration was costs. It was argued that owning was not economically attractive or environmentally more sustainable than sharing their facilities. This model can, therefore, be applied in several ways, specifically for this thesis, the focus will be on commercial property sharing as
Blair’s research found out that during the past thirty years, the health care industry has been in the throes of new and different change because of the environmental threat to health care organizations trying to maintain balance. On the other hand, when such change occurs it creates room for opportunities for the novelty and creation of new ideas and organization. Accordingly, the entrepreneurial process is the method of putting forth a creative process of destroying a long-established market by the introduction of modern and new novelty, into a new market, thereby making use of new materials or equipment since entrepreneurial activity is an efficient strategic response to environmental instability (Blair p.168).
Medical technology encompasses a wide range of health care products that are used to diagnose, monitor, and treat diseases (Chandra & Skinner, 2012). Medical technology may include medical devices, vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, information technology, biotech, and healthcare services. Such technologies are intended to improve the quality of health care; while also containing cost, through earlier diagnosis, less invasive treatment options, reductions in hospital stays, and rehabilitation times. One of the leading theories is that medical technology is growing faster than expected and wit its advancement, it has become a major contributor of health care expenditure in America.