Innovation in business is a key aspect of staying viable in an ever changing climate of competition. One must continuously provide insight and solutions to issues, known and presently unknown through investigation and collaboration. Within this paper we will look into four businesses and their use of innovation in attempt at a better business or greater market share. The innovative businesses of interest are: Taco Bell, Zipcar, Dollar Shave Club and Kickstarter.
Innovation In Business
Innovation is the driver that keeps companies moving forward with new and/or improved products and services. Innovation in one organization can push another to improve their due to competition thus providing an environment that continues to evolve. In other words once an opportunity has been recognized, a company must seize it (Kuratko, & Goldsby, 2012, p. 85). The intrepreneur and entrepreneur function similarly in the aspect that they push for new ways of making products, or improving process for a business's well being. Taco Bell, Zipcar, Dollar Shave Club and Kickstarter are great examples of innovation in the market today.
What Is An Entrepreneur?
The entrepreneur is defined differently across many platforms they all share some commonality (Davison, 2008). This commonality consists of certain traits such as risk taking, innovative thinking, and an opportunity-seeking mindset to create, improve or expand a business (Davison, 2008). The entrepreneur functions as a promoter to the generation of wealth (Davison, 2008). The entrepreneur is important for the movement of the market and constant challenge to the status quo, indirectly improving all related business involved.
What Is An Intrepreneur?
The intrepreneur is very similar in i...
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... Dollar Shave Club: A Start-Up's Viral Ad for 'F***ing Great' Razors Is a Big Hit. Business Money Dollar Shave Club A StartUps Viral Ad for Fing Great Razors Is a Big Hit Comments. Retrieved May 4, 2014, from
Velu, C., & Stiles, P. (2013). Managing Decision-Making and Cannibalization for Parallel Business Models. Long Range Planning, 46(Managing Business Models for Innovation, Strategic Change and Value Creation), 443-458. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2013.08.003
Withiam, G. (1999). Cookin' with the technomic top-100. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(4), 9. Retrieved from
Zipcar, wheels when you want them. (2014, January 1). . Retrieved May 3, 2014, from
An entrepreneur is an individual that organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking a greater financial risk to do so. They bring innovative products or services to the marketing world. They start a business on their own agenda and usually spend plenty of money supporting their company. Many entrepreneurs have characteristics of being confident, drive, and responsible.
An entrepreneur is someone who recognizes an opening in the market for a product or service and carries it out using initiative. Usually being innovators; entrepreneurs are risk takers in means of not knowing whether their ideas will in fact succeed (Business Dictionary, 2016). Fashion leaders are considered entrepreneurs because to be strong in the fashion industry one must attempt to stay ahead of competitors and know what is already out there as would an entrepreneur. One of Australia’s most successful fashion designers could also be considered an entrepreneur; Collette Dinnigan is an award winning fashion designer who has exhibited in London and Paris and was the first Australian to launch a ‘ready-to-wear’ collection, as well as being
Innovation has rapidly assumed a position of prominence in world competition on a global scale. To compete in this environment, organizations need a level of innovation. As competition becomes more global and time-based, organizations must develop and deliver new and superior products or services in less time. The challenge for modern organizations is to revitalize them so they can successfully and continuously develop newer products and enhance business development.
Kelley,T. (2005, Oct.). The 10 faces of innovation. Fast Company, 74-77. Retrieved 6th March’ 2014 from db1d84cbef55%40sessionmgr10&hid=28&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bth&AN=18386009
Innovations are all over this world. Everything from the cash register, to the credit card that we use to buy the things that we desire the most. In this paper it will show how the innovation used can make one company were successful, then on the other hand how the other company chose not to keep up with innovation, which caused a decrease in sales.
Innovation, what is innovation? Innovation is the creation and implementation of new ideas, methods, or strategies that facilitate a process, add value, or improve quality (Tidd & Bessant, 2013). In fact, innovation is the reason for all the new amenities of today’s 21st century. Moreover, innovation has brought forth new perspectives and ideas that have inspired numerous of businesses to expand and improve their daily operations, increase productivity, resolve dilemmas, and attain a level of success. However, such success cannot be attained without properly examining, planning, embracing, and managing innovation. In other words, organizations must carefully map the process of innovation in order to succeed.
Since market and profit advantages are continuously eroding by time, company has to be innovative and should be continuously competitive.
Employees are companies’ wealth of ideas when it comes to innovation. Several companies have recognized the importance of including innovation within their business model. In fact Google allows employees to spend about 20% of their time to create, design and innovate. Hoarty, Gurram & Laurence, E. (2013) recognize that employees play an integral role in innovation. This is because innovation goes beyond new product or service creation; it is the ‘generation, acceptance and implementation of new ideas, processes, products or services Hoarty, Gurram & Laurence, E. (2013).’ Therefore, companies must strive to introduce innovation as part of their culture.
Disruptive innovation is the introduction of a product or service into an established industry that performs better and, generally, at a lower cost than existing offerings, thereby displacing the market leaders in that particular market space and transforming the industry
It is the responsibility of businesses to be dynamic so as to provide consumer with better products and offering to meet new needs. Competition encourages innovation. This not helps the or...
“There is no one definitive profile of an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs come in various ages, income levels, gender, and race. They differ in education and experience. But research indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes, including: creativity, dedication, determination, flexibility, leadership, passion, self-confidence, and smarts." (Principles of Entrepreneurship)
Entrepreneurship incorporates unconstrained imagination and a readiness to settle on choices without strong information. The entrepreneur may be driven by a need to make something new or assemble something unmistakable. As new ventures have low achievement rates, the business person should have impressive tirelessness. Because of this, the entrepreneur may have the best risk of achievement by concentrating on a business sector corner either too little or too new to have been commanded by built up organizations.
The first definition on entrepreneur was simply someone who invented something. Eventually, it turned into someone who owned a business. But the best definition, the one used most often today, is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks for a business or enterprise. This shows that not only does a person "invent" something, but that they see the opportunity and build a business around it. An entrepreneur has a vision and builds around this vision.
Innovation is very important to the long term success of an organization. Therefore, it is essential to understand what innovation is. The Business Dictionary defines innovation as “The process
An entrepreneur is someone with the capacity to lead a business to success and is willing to take the risks in order to accomplish their goals. (Dollonger, 2002). Starting a new business is an example of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are very important in order for any business to succeed, however, only some entrepreneurs will succeed in life. Here are some of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.