Injuries In Sports Essay

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Athletes nowadays are experiencing a spike of career-ending injuries in competitive activities which is affecting athlete participation. Therefore high schools must make athlete safety a priority and begin funding more to investigate safety options. As the levels progress from youth, to high-school, to collegiate, to professional sports, the injury rate seems to spike. Throughout the years 1931-2012 annual research showed that in any level of sports more injuries and fatalities are contained in the levels with less protection. Between the years of 1931 and 2012 there was an estimated count of 1027 total fatalities due to sports related injuries connected to the sport of football. A study showed that throughout the years 1980-2000
Most factors are preventable, but in many cases they are unpredictable and humans have no control over it happening or not. Athletic injuries are a product of factors such as physical health, mental health, environment, etc. An example of an uncontrollable aspect that leads to sports injuries is the type of material an athlete is performing on. As a football player it is important to wear proper shoe attire to prevent muscle injuries and ligament injuries. Another common factor that is almost always overlooked is that athletes nowadays go past their physical threshold and are not knowledgeable in post workout treatment for their very own physical health, which is critical for an athlete in order to perform at his/her highest level of performance. Most physical injuries are classified as acute injuries. Acute injuries are injuries that are the product of a single event such as sustaining a concussion from a hit/fall. In comparison, and overuse injury is self-explanatory. An overuse injury is developed over a tedious amount of time and is a product of repeated stress on bones, tendons, muscles or joints. Many coaches and players overlook this aspect of sports and that is why most athletes become injured because they wear out their bodies past their threshold. Overuse injuries are highly difficult to diagnose because it is hard to pinpoint exactly why or when trauma begun. Most athlete’s do not report these minor aches and pains because they affect performance

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