Informative Speech On Bipolar Disorder

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Did you know theres a mental disorder that can change your mood from happy to sad in a second? not only is it uncontrolable but theres no cure for it. Im writing because I want to inform you on bipolar disorder and help you understand what it is and just how difficult it is to live with it.

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood, as well as fluctuations in energy and activity levels. During these abnormal shifts, the patient commonly finds it difficult to complete everyday tasks. People can be diagnosed with bipolar disorder for many reasons. doctors say Hormornal imbalance is thought to cause bipolar disorder, although going through a traumatic situation or losing someone significant could also trigger it or contribute towards it. Small studies have shown that people who are related to someone who is diagnosed with the disorder may be at risk of developing it since its also considered to be a genetic trait. …show more content…

there are very distinct signs when they are going through these episodes. when dealing with a hypomania episode the person will experience A feeling of being on top of the world, exhilaration or euphoria, Over-self-confidence, an inflated sense of self-esteem, and psychosis. the other episode is depression, when going through this obviously you suffer with depression and expreince extreme sadness .in some cases he/she will think about ending their life. patients will also be easily irritated, this could be triggered by noises, smells, tight clothing, and other things that would usually be tolerated or

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