This is all about what sleep does for us and why we need it. Sleep is very important to us so you should get a good amount of sleep before each day. This is also about why we need sleep, what happens if we don’t get enough sleep, and what sleep does for us. We all need sleep for our bodies, mind, and memories. If you don’t get enough sleep it can result in some bad things. Sleep is very important to our health. (“IFLScience”). We all need to sleep so we can stay awake, and function during the day. “Sleep appears to be an essential physiological process for humans and for most other animals, other than very simple ones with small brains.” (“Sleep”). We also need sleep because it is very important to our health. “However, it has become abundantly …show more content…
Lack of sleep can be bad for our health at any age. Research suggests that when you are sleep-deprived some parts of your brain may be asleep. (“BBC News”). It’s bad when you are sleep-deprived because it can hurt you health, and it isn’t good for your body. “When deprived of sleep, we function less effectively, feel tired and irritable, make more mistakes, are less creative and is taken to extremes, ultimately die.” (“Sleep”). As you can tell it’s not good to be sleep-deprived because it can result in many thing, even including …show more content…
Sleep can do many good things for our body and mind. “One of the vital roles of sleep is to help us solidify and consolidate memories.” (“Why Do We Need Sleep”). Sleep can even help our memories. “Healthy sleep is critical for everyone, since we all need to retain information and learn skills to thrive in life.” (“Why Do We Need Sleep”). Sleep can help you remember stuff and skills you have learned. “One of the most recent and compelling explanation for why we sleep is based on findings that sleep is correlated to changes in the structure and organization of the brain.” (“Why Do We Need Sleep, Anyway”). Sleep can also make changes in our brains. “In a 200 study, published in Brain Research, researchers Terrence Sejnowski and Alain Destexhe, added to the growing evidence that sleep allows us to “consolidate” our memories.” (“IFLScience”). There are many studies showing sleep plays a major role in our development. Sleep plays a critical role in infants and young children's brain development. (“Why Do We Need Sleep, Anyway”). Sleep can do many good things for us, our body, and our minds so it’s important we get it. I hope the reader will try to get more sleep after learning all this. I also hope the reader will think about how much sleep they get, and try to get more sleep if they don’t get enough. I hope the people can learn a lot from this. Sleep can be very important to
Getting sufficient sleep is a basic human need and is vital for life. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, sleep is a high priority for survival. Having enough sleep is therefore important to restore body and brain functions, preserve energy, maintain general well-being and prevent illnesses.
Sleep deprivation is a common condition that occurs if you don’t get enough sleep. In case of sleep deprivation people have trouble falling and staying asleep for a long period of time. In order to understand how serious sleep deprivation can be, one must need to know causes and consequences of sleep deprivation, how much sleep do we need? What does sleep do for us? And how we can cure sleep deprivation.
When most people think of sleep, they think of it as a relaxed but yet not a very important part of our daily lives. What most people don’t understand is although we are not up and moving around and getting tasks completed, our brains are still very active. Without sleep our bodies do not function correctly on a daily basis, and our mental state is at risk.
Health is a complex concept, and when we talk about health we refer to body health and to the health of the mind, the health of relationships between us and those around us, the spiritual health. Looking online on one of the additional resources recommended,, I have noticed that one of the symptoms of most diseases that affect a person's mental health is lack of sleep. Lack of sleep not only worsens man's mental health, but also causes serious imbalances in metabolism, immunity, general mood, and last but not least, affects the ability of learning and memorizing among students. The sleep fulfills a number of vital functions for both our mind and body. We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, which is a valuable and useful
People develop poor sleeping habits simply because they underestimate the importance of sleep. Education plays a huge role in determining an individual’s ideology on whether or not they need sleep. “In the Journal of School Health in 2009, we discovered that students know what to do and how to do it, in regards to getting an adequate amount of sleep. However they still practice risky behaviors. In the study 82% of participants believed that exercising on a daily basis throughout the week would aid sleep, but only 68.4 percent actually exercised regularly.” Similarly 70% of students knew naps aid sleep, but oy 38.6% take naps. From the research it entails that it is not that students don’t know what to do to solve sleep deprivation, but they just do not want to follow through with facing it. Students do not care because other factors such as social life and academic prestige outweigh the value of sleep. If we want a chance to decrease sleep deprivation among students than first we must change the attitude and mentality of the students regarding sleeping habits. Attribution theory and communication theory can be used to demonstrate that if one adolescent can put down their smart phone and social media while still having fun it can cause other adolescents to do the
Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive, however in the modern days sleep deprivation in increasing more and more each day, causing accidents and medical problems for the people and the community. This essay will look at the meaning of sleep and sleep deprivation and the basic perspectives on what motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. This essay will also evaluate the best perspective to eliminate sleep deprivation with the cases studies discussing the general hypothesis of sleep and sleep deprivation.
Sleeping is something that is an essential part of human nature and is a must in order for one to be a functional human being. Sleep is an idea that is accompanied by many wives’ tales, including the ideas that one needs seven to eight hours of sleep each night and alcohol helps one fall asleep and sleep more soundly. One myth about sleep is that during sleeping, one is in a state of nothingness. In truth, however, it has been discovered that during sleep the brain is active, variations in heartbeat and breathing occur, and the eyes and ears are active throughout the time of sleep. These activities during a person’s sleep are important because they help that person be more aware, awake, and alert during consciousness. If all of these important activities occur during sleep, why is it that people are so willing to short themselves of this vital activity? Although much about sleep still remains a mystery, research and experiments continue to show how important sleep is to each and every person. Throughout this paper, I will discuss sleep and the effects that it has on performance and health, especially in college students. A college student’s sleeping pattern is a reliable indicator to their level of performance in the classroom and other school-affiliated activities, as a lack of sleep leads to decreased performance. Sleep is directly related the level of performance and health in an individual; the more rested a person is, the better that person will perform and feel (Dryer, 2006).
Each night, the average person spends approximately 7-9 hours giving their bodies a restful vacation in the land of dreams. Considering this, we spend 1/3 (or 25 years) of our entire lives engaging in this idle activity. Although these numbers can appear as a waste of time in our every day lives, sleeping and/or napping is the energy that helps fuel our bodies to function correctly. Sleep is a necessary function in our every day routine in order to make our brains function at the most efficient level. As we sleep, the brain helps us to recuperate and regain strength by “restoring and repairing the brain tissue” (Myers, 2010, p 99). Without this reviving process, we would all eventually deteriorate. By impairing the sleep deprived mentally and physically, it can potentially cause serious harm. We must fade our conscious mind, and let our mind relax within subconscious state.
At first, people's eyes begin to feel dry and they have trouble concentrating, causing their eyesight to weaken. Their reaction time slows down as well as their thinking process and judgment. These effects are minor but as one’s body weakens, their immune system is affected as well. This may cause their body to catch an illness or disease. Afterwards, their body becomes very weak and it will take a while before it can heal properly. In addition, their heart gets tired and cannot perform its job properly, so prolonged sleep deprivation also leads to risk of heart diseases. Not only does sleep loss make people feel tired, but it is also harmful to their body by increasing the risk of health problems (“Sleep Deprivation: What Are the Physical Effects” , Griffin R. Morgan, Mann Jeff, Peri Camille, Pietrengeelo
Getting enough sleep can increase our chances of being more mentally/physically healthy and our safety throughout the day. How we feel throughout the day is depending on our sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to impaired judgment and actions, which can be a safety hazard towards yourself and your surroundings. When we sleep, our bodies are working to revitalize the brain to form new pathways to help with memory functions and our physical health such as healing repair heart and blood vessels and hormone balance. It is very important for everyone to maintain a good night’s rest to maintain daytime performance and lower stress. Sleep will reduce the levels of stress, help others gain control on their actions and avoid depression. Contributing to these sleep benefits will change your body and mind
Central idea : Sleep is vital to our health and well-being throughout our life, therefore, in order to protect our mental and physical health, quality of life, and safety, we must get an enough quality sleep at the right times.
Sleep is very important for human beings. Sleeping means taking rest for every person and each person spends one-third of his lifetime sleeping. Without sleeping, no one can exist in this world. Sleeping is essential for a person’s health and well-being throughout his life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times helps all people protect their mental health, physical health and safety. A person who does not get enough sleep might suffer from mental disorders, diseases and even harmful situations. Therefore, it is important for every human being to have enough sleep.
These in turn can cause weight gain in adolescents and may take the form of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. I will also shed light on some of the other long- term health effects of sleep deprivation such as type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease and gastrointestinal disorders. I will also point out that sleep disruption may also be associated with the increase in the risk of certain cancers and even death. This is because excessive exposure to light at night decreases production of melatonin (sleep hormone) which can lead to acceleration of tumor growth, that may have carcinogenic
Lack of sleep affects us many different ways in our daily lives. Think of yourself as a battery, and you’re using all the energy. After you 're done using the energy, you have to charge it. Humans are just like batteries when it comes to sleep. We use all of our energy in the day time doing our daily activities. Like a battery, if you don’t rest or charge yourself up, you’re not going to function very well. It is necessary to have a satisfying amount of sleep. Lack of sleep will affect you in ways such as: mood swings, loss of focus, change in behavior, and difficulties in everyday tasks.
There is a lot of benefits of sleep. Sleep is a time to heal your body and clear your mind for the day. The purpose of sleep is that it makes you be able to think better and make your whole body feel better. “It improves your muscle tone and skin appearance”(“Why Do We Need So Much Sleep?”). This can make you look better and feel better, you can really tell if someone doesn’t have much sleep. Their