Informative Essay On Homeless

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How would you feel if you were left out on the streets with no food for weeks or months at a time, no shelter, and when people walked by you you were frowned upon. When it snowed you had no blanket and when it was really hot you had on too many clothes because you had no place to put them or any other way to hold them. This is what homeless people go through every single day. We had so many countless topics to choose from, but I chose homelessness. I chose this because I know a few homeless people and it’s a real struggle for them because they have no way of cleaning themselves or a way of getting food. Also what if they have children, how are they supposed to take care of them and everyone knows they don’t want their kids taken away from them. The question that has been driving me is “ How can I help homeless people find homes?” and as you read on you will see that I have found a way to help get them off the street. I have read many articles on organizations …show more content…

There is an organization called Unbound where more than 90% of the donations go to a homeless child. If you could just send a little amount of money, you never know how much you could help someone. You could also just do some things in your free time. You could just go out one day find someone that’s homeless and buy them a meal I guarantee you they will appreciate it. You could also if it’s cold outside give someone a blanket. As you can see, there are so many solutions if people would just try to help and put in some effort. I’ve shared with you the way homelessness is affecting people and how you can help solve it. People are dying, even being ignored, and have no food because they’re homeless this is not a good look for the world. You can donate to an organization, buy a meal for someone, or even just give a blanket. All you have to do is just put in the effort and just try believe me, you can make a big

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