Information Technology and National Development

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Information Technology and National Development


IT plays a fundamental role in the communication sector For instance,

communication is being availed at a cheaper cost , convenience , and

above all at a faster rate .The global network of computers, called

the internet , which is an aspect of IT plays a very vital role in

the communication sector. Its benefits include:

1. Internet enables conferences to be held irrespective of the

distance between the parties involved.

2. Internet enables the exchange of textual messages at a faster rate

between the parties involved irrespective of the distance. IT plays a

very fundamental role in the communication sector. For instance,

communication is being availed at a cheaper cost.

3. Internet through E-mailing, enables transfers of information at a

faster rate and at a cheaper cost as compared to the traditional

postal mail.

4. Internet also enables one to discover more information through

browsing it.

5. Internet, furthermore, avails news about sports, games, politics,

health, through relevant websites. This further serves the purpose of

entertaining the users.



IT is the chief driving for re-engineering and transforming the

government to with the needs of the citizenry .This is achieved

through the use of IS for managing security and government offices.

For instance, extensive computerization of various government offices,

not only easens operations, but also enhances transparency in the

day-to-day operations. a typical example is the computerization of the

E.C.K. offices.This enhances registration of voters at...

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... the skilled and the unskilled. This contributes

to the national economy through pay of taxes and also duty for the

export of IT products.

For instance, in the formal sector, various people are employed in the

management of IS and also the manufacture of IT products.


From the above points, it is deduced that It plays a crucial role

towards the survival and the growth of the economy. Every sector of

the economy (Health, Agriculture, Transport, Education, Finance,

Tourism and communication,) is averred to grow and develop due to IT.

This calls for the establishment of policies and strategies in order

to realize economic growth and development.

It is my sincere hope that this report is going to supplement the

knowledge that is going to incorporated especially in the effecting of

the strategies.

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