Influence Of The Printing Press

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One of the most recognizable and important inventions in history is the printing press. It created a way for information to be printed in mass quantity. It is important to history because it changed the way information was distributed, improved consistency and accuracy, and created a pathway for how we share information today

First, this invention changed the way information was distributed throughout the world. During the 15th century books were very expensive because of the labor and time spent to hand write books or manuscripts. When the printing press was invented it dramatically cut the cost of books. This made books readily available to lower class citizens. By making books available to everyone, people no longer needed to rely upon pastors, teachers, or the government for information. They could now research topics and create their own beliefs. This is what shaped America into the democracy it is today. Citizens have the right to freedom of religion and speech. I believe this was possible because of the printing press by creating a way for people to read and study subjects they are interested in and create their own opinions.

Furthermore, this invention improved consistency and accuracy in the knowledge that was being shared. The …show more content…

Everyday information is shared through television, newspapers, social media, and many other mediums. I believe the printing press made this possible. The invention was the first step in achieving a way to share information with one another. After the printing press was invented information began to be shared through newspapers. This was a way for the cities to share current events. This also led the way for newspaper advertisements or political campaigns publications. Before the Internet or television people relied on the newspaper for information. Now, through the Internet, an infinite amount of knowledge is readily available at your

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