Influence Of Body Image

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In recent years, body image emerged as the top concern among 29,000 young people aged 11-24 years. Three key factors affecting and influencing the body image of adolescent girls today include social, print and digital media, gender expectations of people in relationships and peer pressure pursued by those living around us. Social, print and digital media is utilized everywhere and has a significant influence on viewers. Girls admire the celebrities displayed in the media and are encouraged to look like them. This provokes a negative self-image to young girls because they don’t have society’s ‘ideal’ look. The idea of the ‘ideal body’ has changed dramatically overtime, during the 1900’s, having a voluptuous, curvy body was seen as beautiful yet nowadays the idea arising from our culture is women becoming thinner as the years pass. These images of the ‘ideal body’ are displayed on mass media and this is where the thought and vision of what is ‘beautiful’ comes from. ‘Normal eating’ is defined as ‘eating until you’re satisfied’, and many extreme diets have been published by celebrities...

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