Industrial Dispute Case Study

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Industrial dispute is a definition where it defines the problems that occur between workers and the management due to unsatisfactory working conditions for instance, the problems may arise for pay/salary or wages conditions, absent from work, hours of working and etc. (, 2015) industrial dispute is defined under section 2(a) industrial relation act 1967 and the definition of industrial dispute is any problem that occurs between an employer and his employee regarding its employment or the working conditions of any such workman. There are many cases that are relevant to industrial dispute between employers and employees. The case that is looked into is the case of Gopalankrishnan Vasupillai vs Goodyear Malaysia Bhd & Anor. …show more content…

The judgment that the industrial court took were biased in the view of perspective of the company and not as on behalf of an employee. The judgment that was made could affect the current employees in many ways that it might have made other employees demotivated to work, the workers might feel insecure of their job, and the employees might also feel not needed. The employees may feel demotivated to work because the employees will start feeling worried if they are in any case injured and not able to perform its job effectively the company would medically board the workers out as well; and because of this reason the employees may feel demotivated and the production of the company may also fall. Not only that the employees that might feel insecure of its own job will start looking for other jobs in other companies because they feel that the employees in the current company will not appreciate them if they are not able to perform their job just in case if they are involve in any accidents that might affect their jobs. As because of all these reasons, the company also might get badly affected if its employees start reacting badly after the decision of the judgment that the industrial court

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