Independence of the Native American Woman around their tribes

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Women have played a very important role in this life. They stand next to the men to help them to develop the lifestyle on the earth. They are mothers, employees, builders and teachers. Before million years ago, women played different roles with the men to make the life easier. In different cultures, the women were more than housewives. In Native American culture for example, they had a very effective role next to the men to help them in hunting and wars and being homemakers. They worked hard to make brave and strong generation to protect the tribe in the future. They make an important place for themselves in their tribes. The Native American tribes could not survive without their women. This essay will show the powerful roles of the Native American women in their tribes. One of the texts that are mentioned: " Brave Woman Counts Coup " legend which was told by Jenny Leading Clout in South Dakota in 1967 about a warrior woman who joined wars and refused to get married after the man she loved. This legend shows the power the Native American woman and fought to keep her tribe safe. The second text is written by Marge Tindal , an early Native American writer, which is "Woman-With-Tongue-That-Wags" poem. The poem is about a wise women who was loved by her people because she helped them with their life struggles. The last text "Mankiller A Chief and Her People" is a biography about Wilma Mankiller , the first female chief of her tribe, which is written by her and Michael Wallis. The soft creature in the Native American culture are wise, brave, and leader women who fight next to the men to keep their legacy continue. Long time ago, the woman in Native American culture was always a sociable and a friend of the man. She tried to be with him to get the knowledge about the life and become wiser. The women in Native American culture were so respected by the men. People

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