Inclusive Curriculum in Schools

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Through mandatory acknowledgement (Disability Discrimination Act, 1992) of individuals previously segregated in our education system, the government, who operate on behalf of the people, have publicly proclaimed inclusion for all. When children with disabilities, disadvantage or learning difficulties are incorporated into the regular schooling domain a more realistic version of community is subscribed to. As a consequence, the more we are confronted with difference, the greater our threshold to accept and embrace it.

As a community we enact tangible proclamations of our values in the form of legislation and policies. Furthermore the public education system reflects what we, as a community hold in esteem whilst embodying our hope for the future. Education Queensland’s (EQ) Inclusive Education Statement (2005) clearly articulates a commitment to quality teaching and learning that actively enables immediate and long-term achievement for young people regardless of circumstance. Based on a social justice and equity model, inclusion in schools presents as distinct promotion of social change. Perceptions of previously marginalised persons as being without value is now challenged, as we are encouraged to acknowledge each unique individual in direct opposition to the stereotype. The status quo is shifting, so too must our ideals and attitudes in order to accommodate this shift.

The belief that every child deserves success, consistently reiterated by Ashman and Elkins (2009) regardless of their physical, mental or environmental situation means schools as part of the community network must ask for and accept varying levels of support. EQ (2005) suggests inclusive education is “about building communities that value, celebrate and respon...

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... Whurr Publishers Ltd. Retrieved 7th March 2010 from L@G.

Queensland Education. (2005). Inclusive Education Statement. Retrieved 7th March

2010, from

Zundans, L. (2006). Policy and its impact on inclusion in Australia. The Australian

Teacher Education Association Conference was held at The Esplanade Hotel,

Fremantle, 5-8 July, 2006. Retrieved 8th March 2010 from Informit.

Other Resources/Bibliography

Australian Human Rights Commission. (2010). D.D.A. Guide: Getting an Education.

Retrieved 7th March 2010, from

Erwin, J. (2004). The Classroom of Choice: Giving students what they need and getting

what you want. Alexandria, USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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