Incivility In America Essay

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Incivility, though mostly overlooked as a concern for older times, plagues modern-day countries more often than not. According to French philosopher Jean de Bruyere, the cause of incivility " not a vice of the soul, but the effect of several vices; of vanity, ignorance of duty, laziness, stupidity, distraction, contempt of others, and jealousy" (“Incivility” 1). Many of these aspects mentioned play a role in the modern society of the United States. Overall, what makes a nation civilized is based on the opinion of the person analyzing, as well as the comparison between more than one country. Although the United States is a rather young nation in contrast to many others, there are multitude issues that have been encountered before that, …show more content…

The current president of the United States was elected on a promise of fixing the country and making government work better as a whole. Rather than feeling better in the security of the country, however, a clear majority of people in America now say that things have become worse. A recent study done by Transparency International shows that “...government institutions and officials in Washington are perceived to be the most corrupt in the country. The results show that 44 percent of Americans now say that most or all of those in the Office of the President are corrupt, up from 36 percent who said the same last year” (“Corruption” 1). According to this statistic, more people than ever before believe that the presidential position is the most corrupt within the government. This, though just an opinion, shows that the actions of the most well-known place of authority within the United States are the least trustworthy and credible. The country is truly only as good as its leader, and what the president does and says is a representation of the country whether the people want it to be or not. The incivility of the president ultimately stems down to the people and reflects their true

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