The two main types of incarceration include short-term, which is used for minor crimes and offenses, and long-term incarceration which are major crimes that involve major rehabilitation. Short-term incarceration is exactly how it sounds, it is a form of confinement that lasts for only a short period of time. It is reserved for the minor crimes that are committed in order to give the correct punishment to the guilty offender. These short-term incarceration places house current and future inmates. The short-term punishments include the obvious such as more jail time, but it could also mean other forms of punishment such as house arrest, parole, work release programs, rehab, and also probation. These punishments are meant to confine the offender …show more content…
If they are lucky enough to be granted parole, they must “participate in intensive supervision programs, not leave the designated city/state without permission, maintain regular employment, not use drugs or alcohol, and submit to urinalysis or blood testing when instructed” (Prison Fellowship). These are just a few of the rules that one must follow while on probation or parole, and it might sound like a lot to a normal person, but it comes with the cost of freedom. There are so many rules and guidelines to follow because it is imperative for a newly released inmate to prove how much he/she has changed, and the value that they can add to society. If they are just going back to their old ways, then there would be no reason to release them from sentencing early, and these rules help them stay out of trouble. With “nearly 70 percent of offenders serving a portion of their correctional sentence through some form of community supervision or treatment program,” (Corrections pg. 71) it shows that this is a proven method in helping these persons get used to being a part of society again. The main point of any type of incarceration is to rehabilitate the offender, whether its jail, prison, or house arrest. They are supposed to come out on the other side as a better person and a better human being that they were before, and probation and parole are some of the last steps in the
Without proper motivation, many inmates may lose sight of their overall goal to improve their behavior. However, for the safety of the public, the requirements for parole should be strict enough to allow only the rehabilitated individuals out so there are less chances of violent re-offenders within the public. These constraints should serve only to filter out dangerous individuals, and should be flexible enough to provide the hope necessary to benefit offenders who are ethically ready to enter the general public. Furthermore, having the parole available to those who deserve it increased the overall compliance of inmates within prisons. Everyone deserves a second chance and probation should not serve to deprive offenders of that.
Corrections are a necessary tool to protect society from those who do harm to others or to others property. Depending on the type of crime that was committed, and if the crime is considered a state or federal charge, also depends on where the person sentenced will do his time. There are four main sentencing options available; prison, probation, probation and confinement, and prison and community split. When a person is sentenced to do their time in prison most likely they will go to a state or federal prison. If a person is ordered probation, it prevents them from going to jail but they have stipulations on their probation. This is called intermediate sanctions, which are the various new correctional options used as adjuncts to and part of probation. Some intermediate sanctions include restitution, fines, day fines, community service, intensive supervised probation, house arrest, electronic monitoring, and shock incarceration.
Most black Americans are under the control of the criminal justice today whether in parole or probation or whether in jail or prison. Accomplishments of the civil rights association have been challenged by mass incarceration of the African Americans in fighting drugs in the country. Although the Jim Crow laws are not so common, many African Americans are still arrested for very minor crimes. They remain disfranchised and marginalized and trapped by criminal justice that has named them felons and refuted them their rights to be free of lawful employment and discrimination and also education and other public benefits that other citizens enjoy. There is exists discernment in voting rights, employment, education and housing when it comes to privileges. In the, ‘the new Jim crow’ mass incarceration has been described to serve the same function as the post civil war Jim crow laws and pre civil war slavery. (Michelle 16) This essay would defend Michelle Alexander’s argument that mass incarcerations represent the ‘new Jim crow.’
Can you imagine having your parents incarcerated? I can, when I was 10 years old my father was incarcerated and at age 23 my mother was incarcerated. Parental incarceration impacts you as a child or a teen in so many ways due to only one parent or grandparent being able to raise the child without the other. Parental incarceration is a very dramatic event in a child's lifespan. Having a parent incarcerated can have an impact on a child's mental health, social life and educational needs. Studies show parental incarceration can be more traumatic to students than even a parent's death or divorce, and the damage it can cause to students' education, health, and social relationships puts them at higher risk of one day going to prison themselves.(Sparks,
Reentry to society after serving prison time, is vital; and always very difficult for the individual making that huge change in environment. But with the right treatment options, plan, and probation officer enforcing it, it can be easier. If I was a probation officer for a person who just released from prison, I would first review his/her case to help develop the right reentry plan. I would then look at all the person’s aspects and conditions; such as what type of treatment they would need, goals that should be met in timely manners, employment, and housing. While doing this, keeping in mind that the person will need support from others, and networks to be involved in. I would strongly recommend getting involved in local churches, volunteer options, and making
The number of Americans that are in prison has elevated to levels that have never been seen before. Prisons in the US have always been crowded ever since the first prison was invented (Jacobs and Angelos 101). The first prison in the US was the Walnut Street Jail that was built in Philadelphia in 1773, and later closed in the 1830’s due to overcrowding and dirty conditions (Jacobs and Angelos 101). The prison system in modern US history has faced many downfalls due to prison overcrowding. Many private prison owners argue that the more inmates in a prison the more money they could make. In my opinion the argument of making more money from inmates in prisons is completely unconstitutional. If the private prisons are only interested in making
How people mature into grownups is directly affected by the moments they experience as children and young adults. Most of what children learn happens at home through their parents. Estimates indicate that more than 1.3 million children in the United States have mothers who are in jail, prison, or on parole, and most affected children are less than 10 years old (Mumola as cited in; Poehlmann). That information leads into the research question, what are the effects incarcerated mothers have on their children? Do those children develop and mature just as their peers do? I hypothesize that: the offspring of incarcerated mothers are more at risk for intellectual problems than their peers.
Parental incarceration can affect many aspects of a child’s life, including emotional and behavioral well-being, family stability and financial circumstances. The growing number of children with an incarcerated parent represents one of the most significant collateral consequences of the record prison population in the U.S. Children who have an incarcerated parent require support from local, state, and federal systems to serve their needs. Kids pay both the apparent and hidden costs while their loved one serves out sentences in jail or prison.
According to the Oxford Index, “whether called mass incarceration, mass imprisonment, the prison boom, or hyper incarceration, this phenomenon refers to the current American experiment in incarceration, which is defined by comparatively and historically extreme rates of imprisonment and by the concentration of imprisonment among young, African American men living in neighborhoods of concentrated disadvantage.” It should be noted that there is much ambiguity in the scholarly definition of the newly controversial social welfare issue as well as a specific determination in regards to the causes and consequences to American society. While some pro arguments cry act as a crime prevention technique, especially in the scope of the “war on drugs’.
An “alternative to incarceration” is any kind of punishment other than time in prison or jail that
In the creative writing assignment I decided to explore a narrative that revolves around the idea of a connection between one man and his past. In this story, I created a scenario where two individuals become pen pals with one another and begin to write each other letters. Billy is a young boy who enjoys the simple childish enjoyments of life such as the great outdoors who serves as more of a background role in the tale. The majority of tale, however, focuses on a character of the name inmate #48209. Through his name and a series of references and foreshadowing, the reader learns that this character is incarcerated. The character throughout the story deals with the trouble of wanting to know what lies beyond the horizon. As the tale goes on it is revealed that inmate #48209 is actually Billy in the future who is writing to his
The United States has been known world-wide for entertainment surrounding the police, judiciary, and incarceration systems. These shows and movies are filled with violence - and at the end, the “bad guys” (criminals) always lose to the “good guys” (law enforcement). But this poses the question: should criminals be treated badly due to their offenses? It is common sense that when one breaks the law, they should be punished for it. However, do the crimes committed take away the humanity of the convict? Prisoners are still citizens of the United States and therefore have rights. America’s Incarceration System continues to fail to meet the needs and rights of prisoners due to issues such as overcrowding, lack of health care, discrimination, and sexual assault.
for youngsters who have a long history of convictions for less serious felonies for which the juvenile court disposition has not been effective” (qtd. in Katel).
We all can think of at least one person who has been in prison. Whether it would be someone famous, like Lindsey Lohan, Orlando Brown, or even Martha Stewart; or someone from a nearby town or even someone that was close to you. There are even games on escaping prisons in the market, one of the newest ones being The Escapists. “You do the crime, you do the time,” as the old saying goes about committing some felony and being punished for it in prison provided by the US “justice” system. However, is “doing the time” actually working?
The correctional system punishes offenders by sentencing them to serve time in jail or prison. Others forms of punishment include being sentenced to probation, community service, and/or restitution. Jail is a locally operated short-term confinement facilities originally built to hold suspects following arrest and pending trial (Schmalleger, 2009). A prison is state or ...