In-N-Out: A Short Story

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Truth or Dare… Matthew, Meghety, Jack, and I along with about twenty-five others walked out the movie theater. We noticed the world was dark and silent, a place that was once filled with life is now lifeless. In a panic, we all looked around, everything was gone, not a single person still standing, we were all in shock. Meghety whispered into my ear, “Don’t these people seem oddly suspicious to you?” I instantaneously agreed. We wondered what to do, I remembered class discussions about the world’s end, then I suggested we split up and go search for the necessities needed to live and so we continued. Jack and I stuck together, we searched for food and water, and luckily we found a restaurant. Jack shouted, “We are at In-N-Out!” That got me laughing until I saw the sign was half fallen down, the chairs and tables were pulverized and burned. Searching the whole restaurant, we finally found some food, we sat there and ate as if we haven’t eaten for days. After we finished eating, Jack asked inquisitively, “If the world came to an end why didn’t we hear anything or get harmed?” I also reminded Jack, the odd vibe the others gave off. I finished my food and searched for water Once I found some I ran back to give some to Jack, then I saw two men holding him back …show more content…

I woke up and saw Jack lying on the ground and woke him from his unconsciousness. We were in a cage, our bodies beat. Two men walked in with some food and water, we tried asking questions, but they stayed silent. About ten minutes later, we heard screaming and cries for help, four men walked in along with Matthew and Meghety. We discussed our situation along with how to escape and then realized the men were from the movie theater. Later on, everyone fell asleep, I tried to stay awake, but I couldn’t anymore, I was tired and weak, my eyes slowly

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