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Influences of play on learning and development
Influence of play on children's development
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The key issues that apply to this theme are; education, how play has changed risk and challenge.
Education affects a child’s play and learning, as parents who aren’t well educated may not know the importance or benefits of play and the impact it has on learning. They will not value play as a ‘crucial’ part of learning. As an alternative of allowing their children to play they would force them to be seated all day and work.
Play helps a child cultivate socially, intellectually, emotionally and services the development of motor skills, as children play alongside each other they form and maintain relationships, recognize their own and other’s feelings and develop empathy for others. Play is important for a child as it is a technique that children use to convey themselves and release all the excess energy they don’t need that is stopping them from learning.
Children have been found to have better outcomes when parents are involved with their learning through home activities, as it is more important for children’s development than their parent’s education or income. Parents need to create a stimulating environment for their child through play at home, however some parents may not allow their children to play as they would want them to achieve and strive to their best abilities with nothing distracting them as they may be afraid of their children falling behind academically.
There are many benefits that play has for children; since giving them the time and space they need allows them to socialise with friends, gives them a sense of freedom, enhances self-esteem, provides children with self-awareness, it improves and maintains their physical health as children are constantly moving throughout play and allows them to increase their...
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...of a past incident the child may have suffered from or they just generally don’t wish to see their children get hurt. Children won’t progress or experience play in the way it should be as children need to play and take risks in order to learn.
From what I have written it can be clearly seen that play is very important for children’s well-being and development and a lack of knowledge about play can affect children’s play and learning.
Works Cited
Lotc, (2013), Risk and Challenge & Adventure, WWW.Lotc.or.uk, (Accessed 27 September 2013).
Macintyre, (2012), Enhancing Learning through Play, 2nd edition, Oxon, Routledge.
Spiegel, (2008), Old- Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills, (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=19212514), (Accessed 27 September 2013).
WCBC, (2013), Play Development, WWW.Wrexham.gov.uk, (Accessed 27 September 2013).
Van Hoorn, J, Monighan Nourot, P, Scales, B & Rodriguez Alward, K 2011, Play at the Center of the Curriculum, 5th edn, Pearson, New Jersey.
Wasserman (1992, p135) describes five benefits of play: children are able to create something new, take risks, avoid the fear of failure, ... ... middle of paper ... ... ocial development. Different types of play promote different aspects of social development such as social competence, achievement of sense of self and social perspective-taking skills. However, play is not the single causal factor that promotes a child’s social development.
Play is instrumental in the healthy development of children. The development of play throughout an individual life is essential in providing the necessary methods to foster growth and development in critical developmental areas. According to Davies (2011), play is instrumental in providing a bridge for the child to transition from a toddler with a limited capacity to understand the world into a child in the middle years who can think logically. Play is also important in fostering cognitive development, social development, language and communication, moral development, self-regulation, and sense identity.
Play is essential in supporting development of speech, language and communication. During play children can express themselves and use their imagination. By letting the child lead can build self-confidence and does not put pressure on them to talk or respond all the time.
An Article by Dr. Leong and Dr. Bodrova (2016) stated that play is beneficial to children’s learning especially when it reaches a certain degree of complexity. When they engage in play activities most of their early years, they learn to delay gratification and to prioritize their goals and actions. They also learn to consider the perspectives and needs of other people and to represent things significantly to regulate their behavior and actions in a cautious, intentional way.
All children play and it is something that most children do because they are having fun, but without realising children are developing and learning skills when they are engaged in play. Play helps stimulate the mind as it is practical and gives children the chance to explore and experience new situations. It can also ensure that children get to think by themselves and be spontaneous as they control their own play. Children get the chance to be creative and imaginative which develops independence for children. Play is vital for child development and helps children develop five main areas of development:
For all living beings play is an instinctive biological disposition, which helps to facilitate and enrich children’s overall development. As well as play being beneficial in assisting individual lives, many theorists as well as researchers have shown play to form a fundamenta...
Many theorists have tried to define play as a concept, however, no two agree on a set definition. Their backgrounds and induvial lifestyles influence the way they see the importance of play. Reed and Brown also believe that there isn’t an agreed definition of play because is something that is felt rather than done (Reed & Brown, 2000 cited in Brock, Dodd’s, Jarvis & Olusoga, 2009). In spite of this, it is clear that most theorists uphold the ethos that play is imperative to a child’s learning and development. There is a wide range of different studies and theories which helps us develop our own perception of what play is. In my personal experience I have found play to be a way of expressive our emotions, exploring and learning new things, thus
Thinking back on my childhood, I first remember all the times I played outside in my backyard. I would pretend to dig up dinosaur bones or create imaginary realms of ancient lands; there I would perform diplomatic services for the people in need. I was usually alone, and those are some of my fondest memories. When I first decided to become a teacher and thought about what is important to my philosophy on how children learn, I immediately knew I was a strong believer in play. Although, many decision makers such as legislators and school district leaders believe in more academic types of learning styles, my paper will discuss why play is so powerful and important to children.
...ile the parent has difficulties on understanding the importance play has on a child at home. Before the twentieth century, parent’s had difficulties in living up to society’s image of a perfect parent which ensures a child’s intellectual, physical and emotional development was the first priority (Pugh & De’ath, 1989). Starting Strong III (OECD, 2012) agrees by stating the challenges involved the parent showing a lack of time constrains and motivation to engage in the setting. While it was found in Philips & Eustace (2008) study that parents were less confidence and had difficulties in communicating due to the unwelcoming environment of the setting. Therefore, it was essential that educators reconsidered strategies of approaching parents, allowing them give feedback and offer a range of flexible options in making partnership with parents ideal (Pugh & Duffy, 2010).
Children develop normally when they are exposed to different types of play that allow them to express themselves while using their imaginations and being physically active. According to the Center for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness, “Play is child’s work”; this is true because it is a child’s job to learn and develop in their first few years of life, in order for them to do this, they play. Not only is playing a child’s full time job, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights listed play as a right of every child. Through their full time job of play, the children develop emotionally, socially, physically, and creatively. Children need to participate in child-led play in order to facilitate healthy development of their minds, body, and creativity.
Children have a natural inclination to play, alongside a natural instinct to learn and to be curious and inventive, which are characteristics of the human race in general. This quote taken from Janet Moyles is a good starting point for this essay. It is well known that children love to play. If a child were to be left to his/her own devices they would happily play and create new worlds anywhere they were left. It has been well documented and researched that children learn excellently through play. However they are not always given the opportunity to do so, instead being told to, ‘finish your work and then you can go play’. Obviously this is not always the case, but the fact that it is a common practice shows that we do not all fully appreciate the importance of play to children’s learning. This essay will attempt to show how children learn through play, making reference to current theory and practice. I will also give examples from my own first-hand experience of how children learn and develop as people through play.
Busy families are spending less time at home between activities. “Time spent on structured sports has doubled” (Doherty). Because double the time is being spent in sports, the amount of time spent at home is decreasing significantly and so is the amount of time doing unstructured activities that are a big part of childhood. According to Purvaja Sawant, a writer for The Times of India, children’s time spent playing is lost (“The hurried child syndrome!”). This is dangerous because playtime is essential to a child’s development. For instance, Lisa Porterfield, a writer from CNN, says that with lost playtime children cannot nourish their imaginative and creative abilities (“Experts: Despite their energy, kids still at risk of burnout”). She also notes that they will not become innovative thinkers to help benefit society. Therefore, children do not have as much time to experiment and think creatively as they used to and our society could pay the price with a lack...
Why play is important to the holistic development of the child & your role as an educator to support the children?
In Kindergarten school, some parent believes play is the best way for young children to learn the conceptions, skills, and set a solid foundation for later school and life success. In the other hand, many parents disagree and believe play is a waste of time, messy, noisy, and uneducationall. I believe play is not waste of time, but it something worth to fight for, in this presentation I would show parent the main importance of some of the numerous kinds of play, and why play is a fundamental basis for improving children’s ability to succeed in school and life.