Importance Of Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948. It consists of a preamble and 30 articles, and is a development and concretization of the UN Charter (Morsink 6). The Declaration determines the range of fundamental rights and freedoms of a person, who is subject to universal respect, based on principles of cooperation and promotion. In addition, the Declaration encourages respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for everyone without distinction to sex, race, language and religion. According to the Declaration, human rights include the right to life, liberty, security of person; recognition of the dignity; privacy of correspondence; the right to protection, impartial Tribunal; political and socio-economic rights, including the right to participate in government; right to vote; the right to free choice of residence; right to citizenship and ownership …show more content…

It also shapes the principles of its organization in conformity with the principles of modern legal state. The Declaration is created to guarantee the rule of law (everything that is not prohibited by law is permissible and no one can be forced to do anything that is not prescribed by law); punishment and detention as well deprivation of property are possible only on the legal basis (Roosevelt 12). Furthermore, the Declaration ensures existence of representative government, stating that all citizens have the right, either personally or through their representatives, to participate in the process of law creation. In addition, the Declaration guarantees that all citizens have equal access to all positions according to their abilities. Finally, the Declaration tells about the accountability of all bodies and officers, i. e. the society may require a report about any official’s

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