Importance Of The Pueblo Tribes

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This research paper is to show the importance of the Pueblo tribes in history and modern-day culture. The Pueblos or Puebloans are separated into 19 tribes, according to, that are all located in or near to New Mexico, USA. The tribes are Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Nambe, Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris, Pojoaque, Sandia, San Felipe, San Ildefonso, Santa Ana, Santa Clara, Santo Domingo, Taos, Tesuque, Zuni and Zia.
The Time Periods
The origins of the Pueblo people are unknown and unsolved. Archaeologists believe that there were eight different groups of Pueblos and the first three are Basketmaker I-III. Basketmaker I period lasted until 100 B.C. and have an unidentified beginning time. Basketmaker II period (100 B.C. to 400 A.D.) was when they cultivated the …show more content…

These diseases decreased the number of tribes from 70-100 to 19. The Spanish forced the Pueblos into Christianity and the Encomienda Labor System upon the conquered tribes. In 1680, the Pueblos revolted and sent the Spanish out of the New Mexico region, but that did not last, and in 1694, the Spanish came back and conquered the land again.
In the early 1700, some of the Pueblos migrated South into Mexico and gained citizenship in 1820. Those who stayed were forced into the army to battle against the other Native American tribes nearby. At the conclusion to the Mexican War, Pueblos gained US citizenship, but most Native Americans did not get this until the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
Famous Pueblos
There are some famous Pueblos that are not widely known. Patricia Michaels was a contestant and the runner-up on the US version of Project Runaway during season 11. Frank Hudson was a football player and a coach. Nora Naranjo-Morse is a contemporary artist and a famous film maker. Carlene Carter is a famous singer and songwriter.


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