Powwow Culture

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The Plains region extends from south Canada into modern-day Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. The relatively large area hosts many Native American tribes, which includes the Comanche, Kiowa, and Pawnee just to name a few. One of the biggest events and aspects of Plains region culture is what is known as the Powwow. This event is what makes this region unique and will be the main focus of this part of the essay.
The concept of a Powwow has changed over time due to cultural shifts within Native American communities and the introduction of European settlers. In the modern era of the Powwow, the event is used for all Plains tribes to come together and celebrate their pride and culture. The event itself is extremely …show more content…

The first one that will be described is the traditional song structure. This includes a lead, second lead, primary verse, secondary verse, and a stop or tail. Within this structure different aspects of the song are introduced and performed. It starts out with one male singer, transitions to all of the men singing, and then finally all of the female singers join in during the primary verse and continue until the song repeats. The repeat occurs after the second verse and is known as a “start” on the Southern Plains and a “push up” on the Northern Plains. Honor beats also play a key role in the song structure. For a Southern Plains song there are usually only three honor beats, which occur between the primary and secondary verses. A Northern plains song can have anywhere from three to twelve honor beats within a song and these are placed three fourths of the way through the secondary verse.
A second type of musical structure is what is known as a ruffle dance. Both Northern and Southern plains tribes perform these songs and the structures are practically the same, minus the vocal range. The song is performed by alternating between a ruffle, which is random loud beats of the drum, and even beats. Transitions between ruffles and even beats can also have a change in tempo as heard in CD 1 track

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