Importance Of Sugar Preservation

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Sugar Preservation
During the ancient times, people used various methods to prolong the shelf life of their gathered food items. Salting, drying, and smoking are the oldest methods used to preserve food. However, the development of food preservation arises along with the science and technology for improvement of flavor and safety consumption. Other food preservation methods include the freezing, pickling, canning, and using food concentrates.
According to Nath (1960), food concentrates specifically using sugar as a preservative produces not only flavorful but also nutritious and palatable foods. Sugar preserves food by drawing the water out of the food and from that of microbial cells. The reduced water activity inhibits the growth of microorganisms …show more content…

To prolong the shelf life of the rind;
4. To provide easy procedure on making candied fruits in households;
5. To yield an additive source of lycopene, citrulline, and other nutrients.

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Because the common consumer of candies are the adolescents and adults, sensory evaluation of the watermelon rind candy will have 25 female and 25 male respondents from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). Any student who is 17-23 years of age can evaluate the candy. However, non-UPLB students, professors, instructors, and maintenance staff are beyond the scope of the study. Only the rind of the watermelon excluding the flesh will be used in the study to make candied fruits. Highly equipped and machines will not be used in the study. Common kitchen equipment and utensil will be used in order to address the candy making in household.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Internationally, almost 50% of the food is lost due to the different processes, production, handling, and usage. United States of America had at least 27% of edible and non-edible food available, increasing its agricultural food waste. 360,000 tons of watermelons were unused and put into waste due to various reasons. (Schneider,

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