Importance Of Stump In Your Landscaping

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OK, so the tree in the yard had to be taken down and all you have left is the stump. Now what? Stumps are tricky to remove and then you have a hole to deal with. Maybe, looking at that stump a different way, can shed a whole new light on the situation. Here are some innovative ways to include that stump in your landscaping.

1. Turn the stump into a planter. Create a depression in the middle of the stump. add potting soil and plant annuals. The stump will help to hold moisture for the plant.

2. If the stump is large enough, turn it into a planter. You can nail or screw into it, so plant hangers can be added to create a flower focal point in the yard.

3. Hummingbirds and Butterflies will flock to a stump that has a birdbath using the stump

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