Luck: A Blend of Openness, Perseverance and Positivity

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Luck is not a matter of chance...Lucky You! Thomas Jefferson once said "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." What, though, is luck? Webster's dictionary suggests that luck is the "events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual." In truth, luck has nothing to do with something operating for or against you. Luck is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of being open to new experiences, perseverance, hard work, and positive thinking. When seventeen year old Steven Spielberg spent some time with his cousin in the summer of 1965, they toured Universal pictures. The tram stopped at none of the sound stages. Spielberg snuck off on a bathroom break to watch a bit of the real action. When he encountered an unfamiliar face who demanded to know what he was doing, he told him his story. The man turned out to be the head of the editorial department. Spielberg got a pass to the lot for the very next day and showed a very impressed Chuck Silvers four of his eight millimeter films. This was the foot in the door Spielberg needed to start squatting on the lot, a decision that led to his first contract with Universal Studios. Studies have shown that lucky people tend to be far more open to new experiences. …show more content…

One of the study creators said, "When she would come to the unit to be interviewed, it would be just this whole string of bad-luck stories: "I can't find anyone. I'm unlucky in love. When I did find someone, the guy fell off his motorbike. The next blind date broke his nose. We were supposed to get married, and the church burned down." But to every single interview, she'd bring along her two kids. They were 6 and 7 years old -- very healthy, very happy kids who'd sit there and play. And it was interesting, because most people would love to have two kids like that, but that wasn't part of her world, because she was unlucky in her

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