Importance Of Lifeguarding In The Workplace

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Students tend to have a difficult time finding a job that works with their schedule and leaves spare time for themselves. In addition, it is very rare that the job is meaningful to society. From 2005-2014 there has been an average of ten unintentional, fatal deaths per day by drowning in the United States (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Having a job while being a student is super important; it gives the student an idea of what type of job they will want next time and also what type of career they will have. Since I started lifeguarding in 2013 I have had the best experience in the workforce. I have been able to help people in life or death situations and have had an absolute joyful time with my coworkers. Student jobs should meet …show more content…

Most students will take any job that can support them through school, whether that is high school or college. Although, the meaningfulness of a job should be something everyone considers. The common jobs for students are usually fast food or retail. These jobs, although have little to no meaning, provide the student with some money. As a lifeguard, every single shift has a purposeful meaning. Of course, not every shift is met with preforming CPR to an unconscious victim, but every shift is important. It is impossible to know when a patron will need your help, so it is vital that a lifeguard is always 100% focused on their work, because it just might be the difference of life or death. As compared to a fast food worker, lifeguards hold a tremendous amount of responsibility and know if there is even one mistake, someone could …show more content…

My time as a lifeguard has been the greatest experience of my working career. No other job I have held has compared to what I have learned from being a lifeguard. For example, working in retail can feel like a horrendous nightmare with no end in sight. Most things in retail must be done by the book and any mistake can feel crushing. Many managers at these retail stores ridicule the worker for making mistakes and use fear to guide the worker into success. However, as a lifeguard, I have never had my manager ridicule me or use fear – which plays a huge part of my great experience working as a lifeguard. In addition to experiences, taking away skills from a job is just as vital. In retail, the only skills taken are how to sell products and customer service. Those are great skills and are appreciated at a lot of other jobs too. The skills obtained while lifeguarding can be used throughout the worker’s life, whether that is professional or personal. Applicants must learn CPR, first aid, and bloodborne pathogen prevention to be a lifeguard. These skills should be necessary for everyone to have, but that is not the case, unfortunately. Any one of those skills can prevent a person from becoming ill or dying. They should never be overlooked. In short, lifeguards will almost always leave their jobs feeling that something has been

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