Importance Of Healthy Health Essay

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One of the most critically important things in life is to remain healthy. Whether if it's mentally, emotionally or physically. There are few elements we can do to maintain or live a healthy lifestyles. Exercising for an hour, consuming nutritious food with three or four cups of vegetables per day, drinking eight cups of water, and living a stress free life. These factors can expand life expectancy if followed strictly. In today's society, health is definitely something we take for granted. Access to fast food places, having a sedentary lifestyle, the use of tobacco products can result to poor health. Also, it is evident to say that having a low socioeconomic class can be detrimental to a person's health. Low socioeconomic class are less likely to have access to nutritious food, cleaner neighborhoods and are less likely to seek preventative care which can lead to chronic diseases and even death. When our health is impaired, most of us …show more content…

It is not just the minorities that need to take action but also the health care system needs to change its practice as well. They need to proved high quality care to all patients . All patients should be treated evenly regardless of the type they insurance they possess or the amount of reimbursement . Education on both parties are also key to eliminating health disparity. Medical professionals need to understand that these situations exist . Now a days, hospital orientation provides an in depth cross- cultural education. This type of training is designed to teach everyone in the medical profession on how social and cultural factors influence health care. It helps providers comprehend the way to interact with patients from a different cultural background. This also helps both parties to find a common ground. . If medical professionals will treat their patients like they would treat their own self or family, health disparity will not be a huge issue in our

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