Importance Of Constructivistism In Piaget And Vygotsky

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“Constructivism is a new approach in education that claims humans are better able to understand the information they have constructed by themselves. According to constructivist theories, learning is a social advancement that involves language, real world situations, and interaction and collaboration among learners. The learners are considered to be central in the learning process. Learning is affected by our prejudices, experiences, the time in which we live, and both physical and mental maturity.( 48 / October - December 2004,CONSTRUCTIVISM in Piaget and Vygotsky Ozgur Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky studied the development of children who believed that this is theory is extremely important in cognitive learning. “Piaget 's approach is central to the school of cognitive theory known as "cognitive constructivism": other scholars, known as "social constructivists", such as Vygotsky and Bruner, have laid more emphasis on the part played by …show more content…

Vygotsky’s theory also believed that culture was a factor and the thought process varied differently from culture to culture. Interaction with people and the tools used to view the world played influenced how a child viewed the world. Vygotsky theory factored in three main components of a culture can be passed from one person to another. The first factor being; imitative learning, where a child tries to imitate another person. The second factor being; instructed learning which involves remembering instructions. Using the instructions presented by a teacher or provider and using these instructions to self-regulate. The final factor in passing a cultural from one person to another is through collaborative learning. This involves working together with peers, understanding each other and achieving a

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