Impact of Industry and Advertising on Health Behaviors

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Advertising Poor Habits

I have chosen to write my research paper on Option 2; which covers how industry and advertising affect our health behaviors. The reason this topic stood out to me the most is because it’s actually a huge problem in today’s society. America has one of the highest obesity rates in the world because most food companies care more about profiting than our health, our health classes in grade school don’t stress the importance of eating habits enough, and because of the pricing of bad foods compared to healthy foods. The industry and advertising of food companies has a huge impact on everyone and it’s not necessarily a good one. Let’s begin with the fact that there are advertisements at about every street corner, television channel, radio station, and social media website that we come across. Unfortunately, a majority of them promote fast food, their low prices, and target their advertising to children. This has not lead to substantial improvement in the marketing of healthier food because statistics show that about three out of every four food related commercials advertised to children fall into the unhealthy groupings that contribute to the obesity …show more content…

All of these risks and diseases come after becoming addicted to eating poor choices, and these poor food choices come from the advertisements and marketing of food companies. Although there are some commercials that promote the healthy choices and habits, the majority of them are promoting poor

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