Discuss the importance of process evaluations in development programs.
Development Programmes are projects that are meant to address significant developmental challenges and opportunities arising from global trends, emergent policy issues, capacity limitations and problems in the communities. The aim being to enhance livelihoods and poverty reduction in some of the poorest communities. Knowledge, skills and experience are applied to bring about improvements in food security, sustainable agricultural productivity and natural resource management, market access and income generation, in a bid to improve livelihoods. 1
Evaluation refers to a periodic process of gathering data and then analyzing or ordering it in such a way that
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The importance of process evaluation
The process or implementation evaluation, when being done, has to have output data collected on a regular basis. This is done to monitor and describe how programme activities are being implemented. It gives an insight on whether the services that were funded were able to be provided. This provides early feedback as to whether program implementation proceeded as intended. Barriers encountered and possible changes to the original service delivery model will be encountered. Thus process evaluation helps to answer questions about why a program’s intended outcomes were achieved or not achieved. 2
Without a rigorous and systematic process evaluation, it becomes difficult to identify specific problems that occurred during project implementation that may have influenced
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It concentrates in two areas; process and coverage, measuring what is done by the programme. It is through process evaluation that the programme planners can see if the service or network of services served the intended clients, eg in a health programme revisit the beneficiary demographic and clinical characteristics. The proportion of those who completed treatment and the characteristics of defaulters. The actual process or activities carried out eg how long has the clients waited and how were they managed. The programme should be assessed whether it serve clients it was intended to serve, the contact period each client received and what percentage of the clients completed the programme. The evaluation will give a clear picture as to whether there was a positive change or impact, which enable programme planners and implementers to improve and maintain the good work. Most importantly, the programme should have clear objectives from which monitoring should base.
Introduction During the process of research, professionals collect data or identifiable private information through intervention or interaction. While this is a vital part of the scientific and medical fields, every precaution must be taken by researchers to protect the participants' rights. Ethics, outlined by the Belmont report; requirements, described by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); and regulations, laid out by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are verified by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This procedure ensures that all human rights are safeguarded during the entire research process. The Institutional Review Board The IRB is an administrative body which has been established to make sure research participants' rights are protected.
Assess achievements and collaborate with decisions made. The strength of the assessment depends on whether it is measurable towards the purpose of the performance criteria.
The role of women in society is often debated. In many ancient cultures, women were not granted the same rights that men had. When it comes to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, women had very similar roles yet vastly different influences on society. The myths of these cultures helps us to see exactly what those differences are. This paper will examine the role and perceptions of women in Greek society and Roman society as exemplified by the mythology that guided these societies.
United Nations Development Programme. Poverty Reduction and UNDP. New York: United Nations Development Programme, Jan. 2013. PDF.
...d it would do and if it is reaching the goals that were set. There are two types of evaluations process and impact. Process evaluations are “those evaluations that look to see if an agency is meeting the mandate set forth by Congress”. Impact evaluations “consist of studies conducted on the effect that congressional policies have actually had on a specific problem”.
In this book Ferguson aims to create an understanding of the workings of the concept of development through the case study of the Thaba-Tseka Development Project. To achieve this he gives detailed accounts of the setting and conditions of the project, as well as emphasize where and how development practitioners went wrong in this particular case.
Taking these steps will help in the evaluation processes and show where the less that leading processes are being practiced. Evaluating this outcome will be evaluated and show whether there is economic value for the hospital, or if alternative methods need to be considered to achieve the goals.
Assist with the development of monitoring plans for short, mid, and long-term outcomes of the strategies outlined in the Strategic Plan and in the evaluation of the program’s developed for effectiveness and efficiency.
The criteria used to gauge this success are if 85% of the youth are experiencing a significant decrease in disciplinary action by the school in 6 months after the program completion. Finally the program will use the M.E.A.S.U.R.E technique. MEASURE is an acronym standing for Mission, Elements, Analyze, Stakeholders, Unite, Reanalyze, and Educate the helps the school social worker to connect to the mission of the school and the program. Mission is the school rules and how they believe it should be followed by the students. Elements are part of the school report cards; analyze those critical data elements to see where the program can positively impact them. Identify internal and external stakeholders who can collaborate to impact the data; Unite with these stakeholders to form partnerships and form strategies; and Reanalyze to determine which strategies worked, be redesigned, or discarded. “Finally, the social worker and the school present their successes and educate a wide audience as to how the program contributed to moving critical data elements” (Bowers,
McMichael, Philip, ed 2012. Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective, 5th ed. London: Sage Publications, Inc.
Continuous monitoring when it comes to processes, by evaluating and monitoring along the way, the early identification of issues gives way for a real time evaluation and solution. As a result, you are waiting until the issue has passed and creating a near miss. Using the simple structure of identification, inventory, intervention, and institutionalization establishing a baseline that will be followed every time. Clear definition of the problem at hand, no matter the complexity, by uncovering the root cause reduces rework down the road. The use of the inquiry perspective will develop my team and resources, creating the best picture of what we are faced with and how to resolve it. Developing and evaluating all possible alternatives is key. Not having a solid evaluation process in place guarantees that we will inevitably fail. Finally, the completion of implementation when it comes to a solution. By failing to fully implement, it is guaranteed the problem will resurface and the process and create rework. By fully implementing the team can make it a programed decision for the
Project Proposal on Poverty Reduction "Poverty reduction through pro-active, participatory, income- generating involvement of Rural youth in goat rearing" 1. Name of the project: Income generation through goat rearing. 2. Implementing organisation: Lemon grass 3.
“A process evaluation is an assessment, generally by group members, as to aspects of the group that were useful or detrimental. Feedback about techniques and incidents that blocked or enhanced progress is of immense value to the group leader. With this information, the leader can hone certain skills, eliminate some materials, and give direction for approaches and materials to add. Feedback can add confidence or be critical and if the feedback is highly critical, it can be humbling or devastating. It is far better to make changes suggested by the evaluation than to reject and deny the feedback and repeat the same mistakes in future groups and leaders should welcome criticism and respond constructively” (Zastrow, 2015, p.507-509).
In rural Nigeria, up to 80% of the population (as compared to 70% of Nigeria as a whole3) live below the poverty line, despite their fast-growing agricultural economy4. According to Nigerian author Anthony Maduagwu, it is in places such as these where we can find the solution to Nigeria's economic predicament. In his article “Alleviating poverty in Nigeria”, he says, “only the poor understands poverty and it is also the poor that know how their poverty could be alleviated... the fact is that the poor usually have quite good perceptions of their own needs and goals and of what would be required to satisfy and make progress toward them”5. He made the case that while government-funded “poverty alleviating programmes” help poverty rates in one place, the create poverty in another6. This is supported b...
Over one billion people are living in poverty, lacking safe water, housing, food, and the ability to read. There is a high concentration of communities in poverty in Africa; particularly Central Africa. States that are considered in Central Africa are the following: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Republic of Africa, Chad, Equatorial Guinea and the Congo. The majority of these Central African states’ economies are dependent on agriculture. As a result of this dependency, natural disasters, droughts and wars can displace subsistence farmer from their land resulting in poverty becoming even more prevalent and harder to come back from. Also with a history of dependency on farming there tends to be the trend of education not being a primary focus for the youth which is another factor into the stagnant poverty trend in Central Africa.