Impact of the Internet on Advertising

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As we seek knowledge on the internet, the internet in return seeks knowledge of us and what we think and want. New ways of collecting information on the habits of consumers has turned internet advertising into a more powerful tool then marketers have ever seen before. As more and more people are turning away from the TV and toward the digital world, they are finding themselves unknowingly in the middle of a statistical battle for their attention and money. New data retrieval techniques are being employed by social networking sites, search engines and online marketers without our knowledge. In our new digital world it is now “cool” to follow the products we like, and advertising is taking full advantage of these rising trends. As the average computer user seeks out information, publishers take notes, then try to influence our own habits and their product perception. It may seem like an invasion of our privacy, but this is the new world of advertising, custom tailored to each potential buyer.

In our modern culture there is no way to ignore the internet and the advertising that goes along with using the net. We are always being told of the latest and newest device which will help our lives become easier and more convenient. People are being taken out of their comfort zones with loud chaotic adds which seek to improve our lives in some form or another. It's true that media seems to always be on the cusp of another great improvement, breaking the confines of yet another barrier or giving us a new invention (Vaz, Nigel, 2014). We can ignore these persuasive attempts for our attention only for so long before we are forced to ask our selves whats important and what should we file under “junk”. As our lives become digita...

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...ped and to think otherwise might be considered a losing battle. Each time we think we've found the next great discovery, a better and faster device becomes available. We will always be offered new ideas and new ways of making our lives richer with each new great advancement in this digital era. The computer has made our lives far easier and more efficient but has also brought with it many new questions and problems never before seen. Do companies have a right to gather information on us and give us what they think we want to see? Is the price we pay for information worth the kind of controlled results we are actually receiving? Furthermore how far will marketers go to gather information on their desired audience? Just because our online experience may now be tailored to us as individuals, does not mean that we should always accept whats being presented to us.

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