Impact of Gender on Communication

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Throughout human history gender has had a significant, if not the most significant, role in human life. It is clearly a fork in the road at birth that will determine many things you will barely ever have any control over. What you wear, what you eat, what you do; all is directly influenced all throughout your life based on your gender. These “gender-roles” have been long assigned without personal say, or even our parents say. In fact, it stems from almost pre-historic times to the beginning of our evolutionary chain. Regardless of more current acts that have meshed these rolls together, I think it is obvious to say we will always look at a man and women differently. It only seems logical that they two will also communicate very differently, which they do.

Now we all have expectations of what the roles of each gender are. We all have an idea in our head about what the “real American man” is. He should boast a confidence that he is the main competitor. He can probably accomplish any task almost entirely on his own, and always does it better than anyone else. A male child is raised to aspire to have these qualities, therefore striving to display them in almost everything they do. Almost every “boy activity” revolves around some type of competition, always one versus the other. This ranges from recreational sports, like soccer and football, to silly games boy play on their own, like cops and robbers. Growing up in a highly competitive environment leads to standard characteristics we say amongst adolescents to young men.

Men tend to be honest, direct, and factual. This leads to a communication environment where the main goal is to exchange information in order to solve a problem. This is where women will fi...

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...any corporate cultures would even consider this innovative, and very effective. You are seeing more rising female executives and more stay at home dads than any other generation. Mainly, because now it is not out of the norm, and genders are encouraged to explore all opportunities. Not just those historically restricted to their gender.

Obviously these gender roles are almost impossible to escape, but our society has shown great growth in regards to social equality. We have grown able to mesh the polar opposites together, and possibly have more robust communication now than ever before in history. We definitely are born and bred to have certain traits, but more than ever before we have more choices to actually satisfy what we ourselves want. The home is no longer a definitive place for women, and the executive office no longer a private lounge for men.

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