Immigrant Family Essay

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Adolescent immigrants make up a sizable and increasing portion of the populace in contemporary multicultural societies. Children of immigrants frequently assimilate into foreign society considerably more quickly than their parents (Lazarevic, 2017). Adolescent immigrants deal with additional acculturation-related challenges in addition to the normative challenges of growing up, including biological, social, and psychological changes. Families of adolescents can support and stand with them through generations as they navigate these difficulties. However, studies have also revealed that immigrant families may also be a cause of generational strife and conflict, which raises the risk of long-term maladjustment in adolescents. As a result, a key …show more content…

Furthermore, conflicts frequently arise at the boundaries between cultural norms at home and the emerging social norms outside (Bodman et al., 2022). Tension can arise when parental expectations collide with peer alliances formed outside of the family (Bodman et al., 2022). Children of immigrants are often expected to play different roles than their peers, which can cause confusion and stress. Examples of these roles include carer and cultural preserver (Lazarevic, 2017). There may be a conflict between the more relaxed rules they experience in their new setting and the different sets of rules at home, which are frequently based on traditional values. Furthermore, there are significant differences in the communication styles of immigrants and native-born parents (Bodman et al., 2022). The former may not always mesh well with the latter's tendency towards more direct communication. Despite these difficulties, a large number of immigrant families and young people show incredible resilience, creating plans to resolve conflicts and move toward

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