Though rarely given enough attention in the press, the global network of counterfeited goods such as prescription drugs, watches, and handbags have become a serious problem in the world. This economic network impacts transnational economies than almost any other force because... The film Illicit: the Dark Trade draws attention to this growing problem that affects our now globalized economy. Also, the movie is an adaption to Illicit the novel written by Dr. Moisés Naím. The film explores a maze of illegal activities and provides evidence supporting the idea that the sale of counterfeited goods results in government instability, money laundering, corruption and a host of other problems around the world that globalization has brought upon today’s society. The wealthier countries exploit innocent people for economic growth and create unequal distribution of wealth, which leads to a decrease in over economic productivity and slows economic growth. Low-skilled workers in developed countries who will see a decrease in wages due to the competition that they face from low-skilled workers in developing countries who will see an increase in wages. Economists have come up with an idea that trade liberalism is the force behind the rise of inequality in the United States and Western Europe, because of the boost in trade with poor countries and fragmentation of means of production, that has caused low-skilled jobs to be outsourced. Where treatment of the workers are inhumane and the unequal distribution of wealth will lead to an increase in poverty because the inequality leads to harmful for development that is generated because too he pressure that is created by inequality, this is directed the states having to adopt to redistributive polici...
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... of individuals competing for low-skilled jobs. At the same time, developed countries have decreasing birthrates and are not able to replace the labor force and as Westernized civilizations focus unskilled labor has moved to industrializing nations in Asia. Tell me what can happen in the future/long-term effects of this…
However restrictive immigration policies play a major role in the reduction in the movement of jobs to countries to fill the void. The demand remains high as a result in developed countries for low waged labor, and immigrants who are desperate for work turn to smugglers to get them into developed countries. The risks and costs of smuggling people into developed countries are very high; however, smugglers take this risk. Some smugglers become traffickers who sell the immigrants and force them work to recover the expensive costs of smuggling.
In ” Sweatshop Oppression”, there is a great emphasis on inhumane and harsh work environments known as sweatshops. Likewise, In “ Terror’s Purse Strings”, sweatshops are greatly emphasized to show the audience that purchasing counterfeit products negatively affects the livelihood of the sweatshop workers. The difference between these two emphases is the perpetrators behind the sweatshops. In Thomas’s essay, the perpetrators are various crime syndicates and in Ravisankar’s the perpetrators are major
Concerned authorities have focused essentially on criminalization and punishment, to find remedies to the ever-increasing prevalent drug problem. In the name of drug reducing policies, authorities endorse more corrective and expensive drug control methods and officials approve stricter new drug war policies, violating numerous human rights. Regardless of or perhaps because of these efforts, UN agencies estimate the annual revenue generated by the illegal drug industry at $US400 billion, or the equivalent of roughly eight per cent of total international trade (Riley 1998). This trade has increased organized/unorganized crime, corrupted authorities and police officials, raised violence, disrupted economic markets, increased risk of diseases an...
The criminal’s communication is faster and easy when they make the trades. For this reason Globalization is a good tool for making enterprise crimes especially when the criminals do drug trafficking. Because the communication between then is not only faster but also the criminals are able to follow the route of the transaction and the profit they get for the business is receive when they finish the job. Globalization also helps the criminals to improve how they can manage future crimes. This is one of the reason the authorities refer to criminals that happen between countries that becomes transnational not matter what the language and the cultures is different. Because the criminals find the strategies to do what they want, an example of this affirmation it can be seen in the drug traffic between countries like Colombia and
In recessions of the past the American worker was laid off with the impression they would be rehired as soon as demand for goods and services were presented again. Now people in jobs from computer programmers to telephone operators are losing their jobs and never returning to the same field again. The big issue here is that if we continue outsourcing specific jobs overseas we could erase a whole industry of job opportunity from the American people. Economists say the framework of the U.S. labor force has been changed due to past outsourcing of jobs by this country. The more outsourcing that continues the more our job force’s structure will change. As a result, the American worker can no longer wait to be rehired into the same job or profession. Using their time while unemployed, Americans are retraining themselves and attempt to step into an entirely different career.
During 2012, Sierra Leone’s diamond industries were unbelievable, and the amount of exporting was over one hundred millions of dollars in U.S. dollars (Sierra). The principles of supply and demand seem central in the characterization of the various trends in the market. In various market structures, the black market tends to be rarely regulated. However, the black market observes in the venture allow for the integration of some strategies in the effort of the market to the interest traders. Traders pegged to the various black market on the places where best deals are secured on illegal merchandise. These goods are defined to be oriented on the interests of the society, as well as the improvement in demands. Veblen goods are the main targets of such market developments. This originates from people increase demand and status of luxury associated to their usage, and implies the prospective capacity of the reduction of the performance of the rest of the goods.
In today’s society, where there is political and civil instability in the nations of the world, many citizens become subject to human trafficking. Human trafficking has rapidly grown into a transnational issue. Transnational crimes are often a result of an organized criminal group. These criminal groups quickly exploit the citizens of an unstable country and will send them to other countries while using upgraded technology and the rise of global trade to their advantage. Aside from human trafficking, it also can involve the movement of firearms, vehicles, drugs, or human body parts. Many believe that human trafficking is slavery of the modern-day. Many nations have come together to work on ways to prevent and protect those subject to trafficking.
Some people believe that the illegal immigrants are needed to fill in job positions were minimum skill is required, however there is no labor shortage, in fact the “unemployment among unskilled workers is high—about 30 percent”, demonstrating the overflow of unskilled workers (Malanga). If companies restrained themselves from accepting illegal workers, the chances for unskilled citizens to obtain jobs will increase and illegal immigrants might turn back home. However, most businessmen “want cheap labor that actually shows up and works”, so they stick to hiring illegal immigrants, only encouraging more to come pouring in (Reed 35). Once word of jobs accepting undocumented immigrants reaches families or friends of the hired illegal immigrant, it becomes a tempting deal that convinces further immigrants to come illegally despite the risks. This problem arises from the “employers who are ignoring the rules against hiring illegal immigrants” for their own benefit (Berlatsky). Since illegal immigrants have to remain cautious in the U.S. it becomes simple for employers to take advantage and hire them for cheap labor. Employers know illegal immigrants will not go “to the government to report that they were paid less than the minimum”, because of the fear of deportation back to Mexico (Henderson). One writer described this as being the “illegal "black market" for
Globalization is _______ and thus has the potential to do a lot good and to bring prosperity to many people around the globe. However, its management brings about social fragmentation that leads to violence and corruption, and creates opportunities for transnational criminal organizations to arise and to remain in business. An example of such organization is the Pink Panthers who according to the Interpol is a group behind armed robberies in East Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the United States. They are believed to have “carried out robberies worth in excess of EUR 330 million since 1999. Hundreds of suspects are linked to more than 340 robberies in 35 countries” (Interpol). In 2013 for instance, in Cannes, France, the Pink Panthers in less than 60 seconds stole $138 million worth of jewels. Within a few days some of the jewels were recovered in New York. This criminal organization is made up of jewelry thieves from the former Yugoslavia, which began due to the extreme violence and political instability during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
According to estimates, more than 700,000 people are trafficked every year for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labour. They are transported across borders and sold into modern-day slavery. Over the past decade, trafficking in human beings has reached epidemic proportions. No country is immune. Clawson (2009) discusses how the search for work abroad has been fueled by economic disparity, high unemployment and disruption of traditional livelihoods. It recognizes neither boundaries nor borders. Consequently profits from trafficking feed into the casket of organized crime. Trafficking is fueled by other criminal activities such as document fraud, money laundering and migrant smuggling. Because trafficking cases are expansive in reach, they are among the most important matters. (Clawson 2009)
These results change or modify political organizations to be suitable for the needs of global capital. Regions and nations are encouraged to import and export of goods from other parts of the world rather than supplying or manufacturing them in their own homeland. Thus, seeking expensive manufactured supplies or goods from third world countries to import them to the first world corporation’s injunction with the free trade zones of globalization (Ravelli and Webber, 2015). These negotiations raises new organizations, for example, the World Trade Organization (WTO) to aid and supervise both countries to for a legalized trade. However, Neoliberalism amplifies the negative aspects of globalization’s effect on the economy. For example, deregulation, decrease of government benefits, and tax modifications (Bunjun, 2014). Nevertheless, relating these negative aspects to the documentary Made in L.A. (Carracedo, 2007) which is the main issue of increased risk of employment for both the first world and third world countries. In regards to, a switch from full time stable and secure jobs to part time unstable and insecure jobs. This reduces career growth for many employees, which they recognize, and thus switch jobs – where as they may not fit as well (Bunjun, 2014). As a result, globalization causes market inefficiency via labor market segregation and exploitation, unemployment and underemployment, unequal access to employment (Bunjun,
As globalization continues to flourish and evolve, this creates further opportunities in which individuals are able to launder money with greater ease, efficiency in profit and sophistication. Through the forms of economic globalization, people may use new forms of travel to their advantage and personal gain. It is widely recognized (Pfaller, A & Lerch, M 2005, Auernheimer, L 2003) that this is becoming a significant challenge in the international sphere. Through globalization, criminals are able to create new means to commit crime for an economic benefit and avoid prosecution through new forms of travel. This allows them to spread transactions across multiple nations around the globe, thus increasing the number of obstacles that need to be overcome for an investigation to be completed (Karofi, U, Mwanza, J). For example, this can be explained through the new forms of money laundering. Money laundering is ‘the process by which one conceals the existence, illegal source, or illegal application of income, and disguises that income to make it appear legitimate’ (President’s Commission on Organised Crime 1984, p. 7). This can be achieved through the process of transporting diamonds or gold or even through wire transfers (Morris-Cotterill, N). The lack of risk that is involved in these contemporary crimes is increasing the appeal for crimes such money laundering to occur. This is due to the fact that criminals know that it will prove to be difficult to investigate and prosecute their activities when it occurs on a transnational basis. This, in turn, gives more individuals the opportunity to commit these crimes with little risk that they will be caught. Furthermore, this targets potential naïve victims into partaking in these forms of c...
In today’s era of technological advancement and scientific discovery, Man’s greed for power and fame has grown exponentially. We live in a world where we have accepted man’s absolute control over each and everything. The unjustified trade and enslavement of human beings in the current age represents a fallen civilisation. A civilisation that is advanced in technology and science, but backward in ethical values. So much so that personal greed comes before the value of a person’s life. Human trafficking is one of the most significant problems faced by the world today. It portrays a picture of inequality among equals with no regard for the right of every individual. Human trafficking is basically the use of human deception to exploit the vulnerable and the needy. According to Koettl (2009), “Human trafficking, as it is defined by international law, subsumes all forms of non-consensual
International Trade Law Case Study Introduction International trade transaction is essential for the sale of goods with the addition of an international element. In practice, the seller and buyer are in different countries where the goods must travel from the seller’s country to the buyer’s country by various means of transports. In international sale of goods, they usually transit the goods by sea because of the international transactions. Therefore, contracts for the carriage of those goods must be procured between the seller or buyer and common carrier depending on different types of sale of contracts. Moreover, in most of incidences, the agreed goods are usually insured at a reasonable amount in case of being loss or damaged during the transit.
Free trade can be defined as the free access of the market by individuals without any restriction or any trade barriers that can obstruct the trade process such as taxes, tariffs and import quotas. Free trade in its own way unites and brings people together. Most individuals love the concept of free trade because it gives them the ability to move freely and interact in the market. The whole idea of free trade is that it lowers the price for goods and services by promoting competition. Domestic producers will no longer be able to rely on government law and other forms of assistance, including quotas which essentially force citizens to buy from them. The producers will have to enter the market and strive into to obtain profit.
Globalization, the acceleration and strengthening of worldwide interactions among people, companies and governments, has taken a huge toll on the world, both culturally and economically. It’s generating a fast-paced, increasingly tied world and also praising individualism. It has been a massive subject of matter amongst scientists, politicians, government bureaucrats and the normal, average human population. Globalization promoted the independence of nations and people, relying on organizations such as the World Bank and also regional organizations such as the BRICs that encourage “a world free of poverty” (World Bank). Despite the fact that critics can argue that globalization is an overall positive trend, globalization has had a rather negative cultural and economic effect such as the gigantic wealth gaps and the widespread of American culture, “Americanization”; globalization had good intentions but bad results.