During 2012, Sierra Leone’s diamond industries were unbelievable, and the amount of exporting was over one hundred millions of dollars in U.S. dollars (Sierra). The principles of supply and demand seem central in the characterization of the various trends in the market. In various market structures, the black market tends to be rarely regulated. However, the black market observes in the venture allow for the integration of some strategies in the effort of the market to the interest traders. Traders pegged to the various black market on the places where best deals are secured on illegal merchandise. These goods are defined to be oriented on the interests of the society, as well as the improvement in demands. Veblen goods are the main targets of such market developments. This originates from people increase demand and status of luxury associated to their usage, and implies the prospective capacity of the reduction of the performance of the rest of the goods.
In” Blood Diamonds” Weinstein (2006) showed that a civil war happened in the 1990s in Republic of Sierra Leone. Archer, Vandy and Bowen were the main characters in the movie. They were risking lives and circulating countless battles. They finally had a common goal that they wanted to uncover the dark side that was the black market of diamonds in Africa and America.
In “ “Blood Diamonds” and Africa’s Armed Conflicts in the Post – Cold War Era, “ Orogun (2004) said that diamonds are referring as “clean stones”. This article explains about the black market is really happening in African. I am using this article to support how the black market of diamond trades is still not regulated, and they defined it as “licit” trade.
In “Regimes of Ethical Value? Landscape, Race and Represent...
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...the potential interference of the market into the legal trade circle may be shaped up to match the interest of the involved traders.
Works Cited
Falls, S. (2011). Picturing blood diamonds. Critical Arts, 25(3), 441-466. doi:10.1080/02560046.2011.615144
Orogun, P. (2004). "Blood diamonds" and Africa's armed conflicts in the post—cold war era. World Affairs, 166(3), 151-161. doi:10.3200/WAFS.166.3.151-161
Schlosser, K. (2013). Regimes of ethical value? landscape, race and representation in the Canadian diamond industry. Antipode, 45(1), 161-179. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.2012.00996.x
Sierra Leone | KimberleyProcess. (n.d.). Retrieved March 8, 2014, from http://www.kimberleyprocess.com/en/sierra-leone
Weinstein, P. (Producer), Zwick, E. (Producer & Director), Herskovitz, M. (Producer), King, G. (Producer) . (2006). Blood diamond. [Motion picture]. USA: Warner Bros.
Being located in the west coast of Africa and between Guinea and Liberia, “Sierra Leone has an abundance of easily extractable diamonds”(BBC News). The diamonds had brought “encouragement” for violence in the country in 1991. Attacks of the Revolutionary “United Front (RUF) ,led by former army corporal Foday Sankoh”(Encyclopedia Britannica), were on government military and civilians. In response to a corrupt government, the RUF performed violent and terrorist acts that scarred many. “The RUF captured civilians and forced them to work”(Analyzing the Causes) in their army to gain control over Sierra Leone. The savages went a...
DeBeers founded in 1880’s became the world’s largest diamond mining and trading company in the world. When DeBeers was established it controlled around 45% of the world’s diamond production and sold over 80% of all diamonds produced. DeBeers used underhand tactics to remove smaller diamond mines and punished those who tried to break away from the DeBeers “empire”.
Ans. 1) Genocide, child soldiers, slavery. Solomon was forced into slavery in a diamond mine, working in terrible conditions against his will by Captain Poison. After Solomon escaped his son Dia was captured by Captain Poison and he too was forced into slavery as a child soldier, Dia was brainwashed by the RUF and forced to take part in the torture and murder of innocent civilians, he was drugged and mentally tortured. Solomon’s whole village was burned down and the villagers who were not fit for work has their hands cut off. Those who were fit for work were torn from their families and forced into slave labour. Refugees including Solomon’s wife and
This relates back to Congo, where violence spurred by ethnic rivalries is due to local groups’ desire to make money by getting into the extractive industries. In another example, Newmont, an American company, mines Ghanaian gold and pays the government part of the profits. Here, Burgis shined the spotlight on an environmental issue: the sodium cyanide spill in Kwamebourkrom that killed aquatic life and posed hazardous living conditions for locals (Burgis, 134). Finally, in the last few chapters, Burgis touched on Cecil John Rhodes’ legacy as the founder of De Beers, blood diamonds, imperialism, and violence carried out by local governments and mining companies in order to protect their interests.
In this section, I will provide a brief history of U.S. military involvement on the African continent, starting with the Barbary Wars and working up through the current date. This historical documentation will highlight the change in the role the United States has played in Africa [post 9-11???]. Prior to 9-11, the United States’ interactions were mainly [capture summary here]. Since [?], however, the continent has faced a marked increase in violent extremism and terrorism leading the United States to partner with many African nations in counterterrorism initiatives. These, and other initiatives, mean an increasing number U.S. service members are deploying to Africa to take part in training, humanitarian issues and military operations. These military activities are run by United States African Command, a recently created combatant command.
Howden, Daniel. "Exclusive: The Return of Blood Diamonds - Africa, World - The Independent." The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News | Newspaper. 25 June 2009. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
Said to be a girl's best friend, diamonds are often seen as a symbol of poverty, war, and death for many Africans. Due to the cruel and inhuman manner by which these diamonds are mined and process, the trade of these illicit gems must be stopped. Conflict diamonds or blood diamonds are often associated with war, forced labor, child labor, and smuggling. Paul Orogun wrote an article for in the journal, World Affairs, where he describes some of the brutal conflicts in recent African history. “Blood Diamonds and Africa's Armed Conflicts in the Post—Cold War Era”, in which he talks about the conflicts associated with the illegal diamond trade. Orogun de...
African leaders knew that isolating Africa from international politics would harm security and economic stability, but opening their states to aid from the US and the USSR allowed for foreign ideological influence. The West planned to stop the spread of foreign communism with “containment” policies, using the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as military force, while the USSR responded with the Warsaw Treaty Organization in 1955. These military organizations were examples of the actions the West and East took to make themselves appear intimidating to other states, but neither resulted in major military action. Instead, they acted as support and communication systems for the West and East as they tried...
The movie Blood Diamond starts with a man and his son walking down a road in Sierra Leone. It is obvious that the man Solomon is a loving father to his son Dia. They talk about Dia’s future as a doctor until Solomon spots a car full of Revolutionary United Front (RUF) soldiers coming down the road. The RUF soldiers are there to kidnap young men and turn them into child soldiers as well as take some of the grown men to work in the diamond fields. The RUF is cutting off the hands of some of the grown men, but decide to spare Solomon and use him in the diamond field. They kidnap Dia where they will later abuse and brainwash him into becoming a child soldier.
Sierra Leone, a small country located in west Africa, has recently dropped its population from 4.4 million to 2 million because of a massive war that had struck quite swiftly. This war had been a great tragedy to those who were in Sierra Leone at the time for they were innocent and had no do of wrong. To dig to the core, you would find that this war was primarily caused by the diamonds in the country. In efforts to preventing such a tremble in this or any other country again, many solutions to this issue have been brought up from around the world.
...l the flow of conflict diamonds. Both assure consumers that more than 99% of rough stones today come from conflict-free sources which are regulated by the Kimberley process. According to the people who profited from diamonds, the blood diamonds problem is passé5. Further research tells us that it is not. According to Father Rocco Puopolo of the Africa Faith and Justice Network, he says “It’s not passé,” “the diamond industry can claim what they want and the film will always serve as a template for what is going on in Africa today.” This point out that labour exploitation and conflict (for control of precious resources such as gold) may still be going on in Africa.
Santarossa, B. (2004, January 13). Diamonds: Adding lustre to the Canadian economy. Retrieved November 06, 2017, from https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-621-m/11-621-m2004008-eng.htm
...sive, unaffordable yet basic commodities, spurring economic growth and supporting the legal economy. This is a critical provision as it fosters the aspects of trade in the world. It is also important to agree that this transaction in almost every tradable commodity and services both genuine and counterfeit supports the dealings shown in black market trade. According to Bahmani-Oskooee & Goswami (2005), the supporters of black market cite many reasons for its embracement. The fact that the trade involves transaction in almost every tradable commodity and services both genuine and counterfeit makes it very difficult to curb. This is demonstrated explicitly by the supporters of black market who cite numerous reasons for its existence. The economic support, employment creation, money circulation, and many others have anchored this trade within various world economies.
Since diamonds is a good market and congo does not use it outside people is coming and taking them from Congo with congo resourses and that’s were forced labor starts because people from outside is not bringing people in if they have a lot of people in congo that they can pay for super extended tuns and they pay the least they can to them but as it is needed much people is forced into labors a lot of times even without getting paid.
... rebel fighters and insurgencies. The practice is most often associated with conflicts in Africa. The argument surrounding blood diamonds was brought to light in the early 1990s with civil wars in Sierra Leone, Angola, the Republic of Congo, and Liberia. During this time, blood diamonds comprised about 5 percent of the world diamond market, according to the World Diamond Council’s DiamondFacts.org website.