I Want To Becoming A Nurse

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When I was five years old, I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Typically, as a five year old, I wanted to be just like my mom. My mom was a genuine human being with one of the biggest hearts around, and I am not just saying that. In order to be like my mom, I needed to become a nurse. As I grew up, more and more I fell in love with the idea of getting to be a helping hand to someone that is sick and/or injured. Being a simple hand to hold when life becomes a little challenging, a voice for the patient and what they want for themselves, but most importantly, I want to be the smiling face a patient remembers when they go home. Continuing to grow up, I wanted to break the chain of nurses in my family and I started leaning more to …show more content…

It comes from seeing my brother grow up with fears of not making it to tomorrow and seeing a nurse hold his hand and tell him everything will be okay and that they will work day by day to cope with the struggles in life. Nurses aren’t just there to do a job; they are there to be so much more. When doctors see their patients it is for minutes to maybe an hour, depending on the setting and situation. Who is really there the entire time? It is the nurses. The nurse takes time to get to know everything about their patients, on a health basis and a personal basis, and that is what makes a good nurse. I am committed every single day to becoming a nurse and being that hand to hold and that smiling face that makes a patient feel comfortable. In the end, I want to be the best that I can be. I want to help those that can’t always help themselves. Every morning I wake up with a commitment to push myself to learn more and to become the best nurse that I can possibly be. It doesn’t just stop once I am done with schooling. Becoming better and becoming more committed to my job grows everyday for the rest of my life. I honestly cannot wait for my future and what life entails for me as my profession in nursing continues to

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