I Want To Be A Physical Therapist Essay

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Every person that enters our life teaches us something new about ourselves. Everyday opportunities are placed in front of us, and choosing to take advantage of those opportunities is what defines who we are at the end of the day. The opportunities I have received throughout my life have taught me about the person I am today and why I want to pursue a career in physical therapy. From childhood, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to extend my hands and help those in need. Being an athlete, I have sustained numerous injuries. I have also seen serious injuries that cause people to be more conscientious about the decisions they make as an athlete. Having the passion to help people has pushed me toward pursuing a human development degree. This degree has taught me the different aspects of working with patients. Taking these classes …show more content…

Asking the right questions, especially those that start with “why” is crucial to understanding the many processes in physical therapy. This characteristic is important for a physical therapist to possess because no two patients heal the same way and it allows them to create the proper treatment for the patient’s injuries. Physical therapists are also surrounded by culturally diverse patients every day and having the ability to use correct question techniques creates a culturally competent therapist. Patients starting at physical therapy present frustration and discouragement when they are unable to do everyday tasks. Continuous negativity can impede with future rehabilitating success. Through my experiences, I have seen endless positive attitudes from physical therapists to meet the psychosocial needs of the patients. Having strong support from the therapist gives the patients motivation to overcome discomfort and push to make progress. Seeing physical therapists provide both physical rehab and emotional rehab has made this career the one I want to

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